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Home, home cookin'
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"I need home... home cookin'..." Nuh nuh nuh na nuh na na.

So I went to see Ocean's 12 last night, and walked away moderately dissappointed. Sure, I'm a little late to the table here, but it's not going to stop me from complaining.

On the positive side, I sat next to my friends Tony and Dave, both of whom have loud, boisterous laughs they have a hard time containing. This raises an entirely new issue -- the contagious laugh. While I wasn't really finding laugh-out-loud humor during the movie, I was belting out chuckles most of the night, but only becuase I was listening to the two sandwiching me cackle and hoot.

I have no conclusions to draw from this, but it makes me wonder if theatres place so-called "contagious" laughers in less-than-funny comedies to create the false appearance of fun and humor. Something to think about, at least.

Just made myself some French Toast, with eggs from November. Hopefully I won't die any time soon. Let it be known, however, that I properly researched the use of "old eggs" online before actually dishing up the batter.

All I could find was this little gem from the USDA (paraphrased): You should eat eggs no later than 4-5 weeks after you bought them, without having to worry about ANY SIGNIFICANT DECLINE IN QUALITY. I can handle that. If the egg's "quality" has declined, that's fine. It's going to be in French Toast.

If the USDA told me I might become sick by eating said eggs, it would have been a different story. I'll let you know how things turn out.


I'm fine. I'M FINE.

Just one other thing I'll quickly share with you, being a shaman and everything:

So, lately, I've been a bit dry --- you know your nose, skin, throat. It's winter, afterall, and the relative humidity indoors suffers in the north due to all of the dry heat we pump into our homes.

I literally don't have room for a store-bought humidifier, so I improvised. Since I've only got ~350 square feet to deal with, I simply placed a large pot on my stovetop and turned the heat to medium.

Before I knew it, I had my own little humidifier, and I even spiced things up with orange peel, apple chips and cinnamon. I'm so proud of myself -- "all domesticated and shit...damn..."

Ah. Today it's off to a local bookstore to research magazines for some articles next week. I hope the entire city isn't hanging out there today.

Have a good day, and enjoy your WILD CARD WEEKEND, PRESENTED BY FOXXXX!!!!

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