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2004-11-09 10:32 AM Back to the Before I went running this morning, for the first time in.. oh.. fifty pounds or so. I actually did not gain a great deal of weight with Anna, mostly because I had gestational diabetes and thus was on a super-strict sugar-free diet. (BAH!!) Thus I only gained 25 pounds. Unfortunately, with both pregnancies I used fertility drugs, and therefore with the first pregnancy I gained ten pounds (Clomid!) and then gained another 15 pounds (Repronex!) while attempting to get pregnant the second time. So..ah.. yeah, that's fifty pounds. Gah. Loyal readers will remember when I went balls to the wall for six months and lost fifty pounds, going from a size 16 to a size 6, and gaining defined abdominals and an ability to run seven miles without puking. How the mighty have fallen.. or swollen..LOL I managed half a mile this morning. I probably could have made it a whole mile but I didn't think it was prudent to risk pulling every muscle in my body. There's no possible way I could ever repeat that all-out weight loss that I managed before--I was single, childless, and had no life. But I have another 30 pounds to go out of that fifty gained, and I have been stalled where I am for quite some time. They say "9 months on, 9 months off" as far as baby weight goes, but I'm seeing the 9 month point rapidly approaching with too much weight still left to lose. (Although it actually took about a year and a half to put on all of that fifty pounds.) But it's definitely harder to squeeze exercise time in with The Kid. I'm already getting up at 5am to get us both ready for work/daycare and I really just can't stomach the thought of getting up any earlier than that. In other news, I'm still working my way through reading my old journal entries. I notice that I apologized for not posting entries a LOT. Now that I have a desk job with internet access I have a feeling I'll be better about that sort of thing. Your tax dollars at work! Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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