Very Occasional Thoughts

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My wife, Jen
My brother, John
My sister, Ellen
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I figure it's my turn to do this now. Hope it's enlightening.

Spell your first name backwards:


The story behind your username:

It's a long and involved story but, when it all boils down to it... it's my name.

Where do you live?

With my fiancee (and soon to be wife) in Studio City.

Describe yourself in four words:

I need more sleep.

Describe your...


It's a somewhat normal looking black leather wallet, made by Kenneth Cole. I have long since abandoned my hip pouch, partly because Jen kept calling it a purse and it was giving me a complex.

Coffee cup:

Any coffee I drink, I buy at a little stand in front of the Hospital. Most fo their coffee comes in paper or plastic cups, depending on what I get.


Right now, a pair of black Jockey boxer-briefs.


I don't wear boots too often. I have a pair of low boots (they don't come above the ankle), but I wear them infrequently at best.

CD in stereo right now:

Nuthin'. I'm at work. No stereo here.




Short brown (yes, Jen, it is brown, and not black) hair, with a thin moustache and beard.

Who or what (was/is/are)...

In my mouth:

A Krispy Kreme donut. Yum.

In my head:

The answers to these questions, a few equations to get an Excel spreadsheet working, the theme to "Sesame Street" for some reason.


I could take a nap. Also wishing this damned spreadsheet would cooperate with me.

Talking to:

Myself, and barely even listening.


My third Krispy Kreme of the day. I can feel my teeth rotting.

If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?

The bastards who mugged me a few years ago. I'm still lugging that grudge around, you betcha.

What's next to you:

A telephone, my printer, a bunch of employee files, a ton and a half of paperwork, and a few walls to keep the ceiling nicely in place.

Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month:

As of right now, I'm 29 days and 6 hours shy of being married. That's within a month. Woo!

Something that you are deathly afraid of:

Dogs. I hate dogs.

Do you like candles?:

They're okay, I suppose.

Do you like hot wax?:


Do you like incense?:

Not particularly.

Do you like the taste of blood?:

That all depends on if its mine or someone else's. Someone else's? Hell no. why the heck would I have someone else's blood in my mouth (okay, don't answer that...)? My own? Ummm... no. :)

Do you believe in love?:


Do you believe in soul mates?:

I think so.

Do you believe in love at first sight?:

Nope. Lust at first sight, however, is a totally different matter.

Do you believe in heaven?:


Do you believe in forgiveness?:

Yes. Not unconditional, mind you - see the above question regarding a certain grudge I'm holding - but I think there's a definite place for the burying of hatchets.

Do you believe in God?:

I think there's soemthing or someone out there in a god-like capacity. I don't quite think any major religion has quite nailed exactly what that being is, though, so for the time being I'm happily agnostic.

What do you want done with your body when you die?:

I want to be borne on the shoulders of hundreds of gorgeous women, all screaming and chanting my name while being carried to my final resting place in a field of ever-blooming sunflowers.

Or, I suppose I could just be buried like everyone else.

Who is your worst enemy?:

Father Time. There's never enough time for me to do everything I need or want to get done.

What are five cities you wouldn't mind relocating to?:

Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Manhattan, The Bronx. ;)

What are some of your favorite pig out foods?:

Ferrero Rocher chocolates. Those things are good.

What's something that you wish people would understand?:

That, no matter how nice it would be if it were true, I really don't know all the answers.

What's something you wish you could understand better?:

Women. Sometimes, they just mystify me.

Who's someone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?:

The list of people I haven't seen in a long time that I want to see again would be a few dozen pages long. The main ones that come to mind are my family in New York, my brother John, Stacy, and my friends Dave, Liesl, Joe, Anthony, Miles, George and Forrest in Brooklyn.


How old were you?:

18. I was a late bloomer.

Where did it happen?:

In the Astor Place subway station in Greenwich Village, New York.

When did it happen?:

The summer before I came out to Los Angeles for college. More specifically, at about 3am, since we had just gone to see "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" and gotten food.

Who initiated the kiss?:

It was sort of a mutual decision.

Was there a second kiss with that same person later?:

There sure was. And a third and a fourth and...


Ever dated anyone who's in your Journalscape list?:

Yup. I'm engaged to Jen, and we'll be getting married next month.

Would you consider dating anyone on your Journalscape list?:

I'm kind of taken. As is Lisa. And Kenny and Berek really aren't my type. :)

Have you kissed anyone on your Journalscape list?:

I sure have. I've kissed Jen a lot.

Based on all the things you've read in their journals, which of your Journalscape list folks do you think is the most romantic (apart from yourself)?:



What were the circumstances of the best kiss you ever shared with anyone?:

Kissing Jen for the second time. The first time would have won, but my throat was burning from a bit too much Grand Marnier and took a bit away from the experience. The second time kicked ass, though.

Briefly describe the best date you ever had:

I've always liked going to Disneyland with Jen. She's a great date. :)

What's the longest relationship you ever had?:

Five years.

What's the most romantic gift you ever gave anyone you were dating?:

Does an engagement ring count? :)

What is the most romantic gift you've ever gotten from anyone?:

A set with silk restraints and a blind fold. ;)


What were the circumstances of the worst kiss you ever shared?:

Honestly, it was probably with my first girlfriend. She was a good kisser, but she smoked, and kissing a smoker sometimes leaves a bit to be desired in the "minty fresh" scope of thigns.

Have you ever done something stupid that caused a relationship to end?:

I don't think I've done anything stupid that's directly ended a relationship. I have ended a relationship before, but I don't think the reason was my own stupidity.


What's the most romantic season?:


What's your favorite romantic movie?:

Hrm. Probably "Moulin Rouge."

Who is the best leading man in romantic movies?:

Rudolph Valentino.

Who is the best leading woman in romance movies?:

Errr... Nicole Kidman?

Who is the most romantic TV couple?:

Homer and Marge. :)

What's your favorite romantic song?:

Probably "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge. My knowledge of romantic songs is sadly limited.

If you could take a boy/girlfriend to any country in the world for a weekend of romance, what country would you choose?:


If you could describe the key to a good romance in five words or less, what would it be?:

Always let the woman win. :)

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