Very Occasional Thoughts

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5000 Miles of General Zod
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Worn out, but happy

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I have no idea what I did while I was sleeping last night, but I woke up this morning feeling like I fell down a flight of stairs. All sorts of stiff and achy. Blech.

On that pleasant note, the weekend was a lot of fun. Friday night was the kind-of-weekly D&D game and, as expected, it ran purely on gamer time. For those not familiar with the concept, game sessions rarely, if ever, start on time. Due to a good amount of just talking and socializing (which isn't a bad thing, mind you), our 8:00 game actually started at 9:45. Finally got a chance to throw a dragon at the party. Woo-hoo! :)

On Saturday, Jen and I slept in a bit before heading out to Claremont. We hit the usual haunts - Lionheart Games for the new D&D books, then Golden China for some really good Chinese Food - before going to Best Buy. We picked up a new CD rack for our ever-expanding collection (although Jen's been busy putting the best songs from all of them onto our iPod), and bought a wireless internet router. Once we get it set up, we'll be able to have one of us on the desktop while the other is on the laptop with the wireless card. No more lurking around the apartment's business center at 3am for high-speed internet! I'm also hoping that the City of Heroes game that Berek and Pita got me for my birthday will work on it now.

Sunday, we slept in again, then met up with Berek and Pita to head out to Santa Monica. We got a few things at Puzzle Zoo before having dinner at an English pub-style restaurant. Really, REALLY good food... we've got to go back there. We grabbed crepes afterward, then headed up Sunset to the Virgin Megastore. Looked around for a bit, although Jen and I didn't quite find the CD's we were looking for.

As for the title of this entry, that happened on the way home. "General Zod" (which is the nickname for my car, to go along with Jen's "Lexus Luthor") hit 5,000 miles just as we pulled up to Berek and Pita's place. Up to a year ago, I was never that sold on driving. People who know me knew I took public transportation everywhere (it's a New Yorker thing) or just walked (USC to Santa Monica is still my record). Now, though, I really enjoy driving. I find it relaxing, although Jen seems to think it's because I don't have to drive, but because when I do drive, it's because I want to. If I took my car to work on the 101 every morning, I'd probably get real tired of it, real fast. But I don't, so I'm not.

Now, I'm at work. I feel utterly wiped out (even a strong cup of coffee hasn't done anything for me), and I've got a meeting in an hour with a representative who'll be re-writing some of our job descriptions. Fun.

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