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The story now is at 10 pages and counting, it will be close to 11 pages.

Um... usually the page after ten, would be eleven, so if the paper has "reached page ten and counting", that... would mean it'll hit page 11 soon...?

This thing is going to be my longest story to date and will be one I might be putting out myself or selling it to a few magazines if they take something that is close to 9000 words.

If a story were done by a professional, they just might. You on the other hand...

The story is one that I will say is a supernatural one by far. And I don't think there had been any supernatural shark stories ever written yet. So this might be new territory for me, and pleased with how this story is coming along.

Um... wha? That made... no sense what so ever.

I know one thing, if people thought House of Spiders was scary as hell then they haven't read this one because I made this even scarier than that story is.

Ahhahahahahahaha! Ok, has anyone else noticed the stupidity of that statement? Nick, you dickless wonder, you haven't even finished writing the damned thing, so how can people have read it and compare it to the vomit that is House of Spiders?

Oh, and House of Spiders wasn't scary at all, but just pathetically redundant and bad.

I call this my first attempt at writing a nautical horror story and I have to thank Kyle Kucek for giving me the inspiration to try my hand at writing a shark story of my own.

Funny, we call it just you anally raping the English Language and writing in general. Great that you can be so delusional.

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