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Since we all know Nick is a damn coward, here's his recent post on Xanga, and my reply to it.

Tabloid Purposes doesn't have any kind of hate speech in the book so for those assclowns who are trying to get the book pulled from there nice try but I am going to make sure it gets out there sooner. This is one of those sad attempts to get the book pulled from there; I emailed the people at to tell them exactly what was going on. I know exactly what is happening here, some people who don't like me thought it would be funny to get the book pulled from and try to get me banned from I can see this book becoming one of the banned books in the near future because of the controversy that is sparking. One of those people I burned with a story I wrote is a bit pissed and leaving bad reviews of every writer involved with the project. If she hates the book then I know it will be loved by those who hate yaoi/yuri/slash fiction. Just someone who just doesn't like what I do as a writer decided to make it funny to see if they can get me pulled from there.
I noticed one of them decided to stalk me on Xanga, and posting the line up without my permission. Consider this a cease and desist. Some of the stories on the anthology were never published online, and notice some on here who are trying to get the thing closed down before I even make a few sales but I hate to break it to them I managed to make a few sales on the book and there is already some interest in it from my former classmates. Whoever did that email to, that was their attempt to ruin my book before I even had a chance to get serious with it. This project is very special to me, and I am not about to let some pricks who think it is funny to sabotage this get in the way.
Where one of them are putting up hateful reviews of the writers involved; if that is an attempt at trying to humiliate them for being published with me that will not work. Some of the stories are available online yes, but only in part. Some of them have the story up in their entirely. But to those numbnuts saying they got the complete anthology for free, I want to know where the hell did they get it from. The version that was a pirated version isn't the current version that I have up there now. I am smirking because one of the contributing writers involved with Tabloid Purposes is having a field day with the numbnuts involved with trying to hurt book sales. I noticed that a little porn writer was trying to pass around the line up's stories without permission saying almost all of them can be read for free -- true though there are some of the stories that are not available online, but there are some involved with the project have stories they never before published online.

Just to share, Nickolaus, the reviews are NOT hateful at all, but pointing out the GOOD, and BAD, of the stories available online. And it was you who said the stories involved in your book were the ones that could be found online. Posting a 'line up' of authors isn't wrong, either.

Perhaps you should get a clue before you speak.

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