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All I asked for was a little truth.

Wow... and all that for asking what is your issue? Does the term IGNORANT mean anything to you? Of course not.

It shows to me that you are one of those who think they are better than everyone else but really you are nothing more than a bottom feeding mutant who has too much time on their hands.

I'm not sure if this is addressed to me or not, but I'll answer anyways. I have several alias' yes, Serryah is one of them, if you wanted to know my real name, just ask Nick boy, that's all you gotta do. Curtosey gets you a lot.

Serryah go destroy yourself.

SURE! You show me how though, ok? I might not get it right, cause, you know, I'm a female and all and not so GREAT as you are.

There are people out there who will and do buy my work -- so I suggest you go find something better to do with your fucking time than to waste mine you sad bleach-drinking whore

I don't care if people want to waste their money on your trash - which I've yet to see, but anyways.

I ASKED you what your issue is. Why you hate people so much - and I'm not talking about the "book bashers" and such, I'm talking everyone else - published authors, gays, liberals - those people. What did they ever do to you? If you can't answer the question "Why do you hate" then why do you hate to begin with? I was only asking for an honest, logical answer. Instead I get a childish rant.

And you know, Nick, that is EXACTLY why you get shit on. People treat you like an adult, you act like a fuckin' sulky brat. That needs his ass kicked, repeatedly. No matter how it's done.

Arrogant ass.

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