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Idiots... well, here's my reply to Nick's Xanga entry.

Nick, Nick, Nick.

Now, I'm sure you'll delete this, go ahead, but I just wanna say this one thing...

You cannot be a true to form writer. Because your writing HAS no form, it has no flow, it's words on a page, nothing more.

Why, WHY do you have such issues asking for an IMPARTIAL judgement on your "skills"? There are people out there who could care a less who you are, and would be willing to review your work, giving you a LEGIT reason to be all cock assed to everyone who thinks your work is shit.

If you ever, EVER find such a person, and get such a review, and it be praise for your work, THEN you can shove it in our faces. Until then, we 'naysayers' have a REASON to be so judgemental of your work.

Because your "work" is nothing but GIBBERISH - as well as other reasons of course. Catering to a person's ego is NOT the way to help them, it only hurts them, and if you don't know this, you really, REALLY need a "reality check".

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