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2006-03-27 3:09 AM Uncovering The Bare Facts Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (1) Last night I had a memory return from High School. In the late 60's, my PE class was learning to swim in the indoor pool, (I don't remember how it was split up, did we go swimming once a week, every other day, all quarter, then something else? I don't remember and it doesn't matter).
What I remembered is that they made the boys swim nude (no girls) but I had close friends that were girls at the time and asked them if they had to swim naked, too? No, they did not. They actually had separate showers as well. The boys showered together in a huge shower room. I had forgotten all this until recently. I don't understand their thinking these 40 years later. The showers I can understand, but why swim naked? When I was much younger, I remember going to Canada with the whole family and we went to a swimming pool where the men and boys were in one pool room and they were all naked too. I wonder if they still do this anywhere? What was their reasoning? I found this on Wikipedia: "Before the YMCA began to admit females in the early 1960s, swimming trunks were not allowed in the pools, and high school swimming classes for boys sometimes had similar policies, citing the impracticality of providing and maintaining sanitary swimming gear. These practices were common because of the perception that there was nothing wrong or sexual about seeing members of the same gender in the nude." It doesn't say when this practice was changed. Did it take a lawsuit to change this practice in High Schools in America? Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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