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The Eschaton: December 21, 2012?
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My time is nearing an end, here on Earth.

Oh, I might have another 40 years, who knows? But the premise is still true: my time, here on Earth, is nearing an end. I neither actively seek death or fear death, but I see it approaching.

I might be killed on the way to work one day. It could be that the Pacific tectonic plates decide that the time is right to heave-ho and off I go.

Does this cause me a great deal of concern? Do I fret over the fact that others will be here when I'm gone? Do I worry I didn't get something done I wanted to but didn't quite accomplish?

No, when my time comes, I'm at peace with that. No regrets. I lived my life, not someone else's.

Is there anything to keep me here, plodding along, enjoying life a little longer?

Why yes, there is. The date of December 21, 2012 is a day which I am looking forward to and have for as long as I have known of it, from reading about it.

The ancient Mayan (or pre-Mayan cultures) choose December 21st, 2012 A.D. as the end of their Long Count calendar.

Terence McKenna suggests in his Novelty Theory that on December 21 of 2012 AD, (at "the coincidence of the moment of the solstice and the heliacal rising of the galactic center"...), "the levels of planetary novelty will exponentially increase".

Yes, The Eschaton. The last thing of this world.

That's what keeps me going, if anything of, or in, this world does. It would be like reading a serialized book for thousands of pages and then not finishing the book. It would be like sitting through all of the Lord of the Rings movies and leaving a few minutes before the curtain closes. I'd like to see the finale.

Yes, I'd like to see what happens 6+ years from now.

But if I don't live that long, then please experience the Eschaton without me, but think of me and I will be there with you!

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Terence McKenna

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