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2011-12-21 9:29 AM Taxing Times Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (3) I wish we could agree that when Republicans and Tea Partyists say they want to cut taxes on "job-creators", they don't mean the actual Consumers who truly ARE the job-creators. When the middle class of America have no spending money, then businesses won't hire, as they are not selling their products.
When Congress keeps the average worker from taking home an extra $1000 a year, they are showing that they don't care about The People, only about the already-wealthy. I think it's really something that they show their true colors by saying "less taxes!" EXCEPT if those taxes are paid by the little guy. Right. And by the way, when it came time for the "Bush-Era Tax Cuts For The Wealthy", I didn't hear them talking about, "Well, only if we can PAY FOR IT". No, back then, it was "any tax cut is good, paid for, or not." Except if those taxes are paid by the little guy. Um hmmm. Got it. Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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