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2012-01-04 1:23 PM SF Plot: The Moon Begins To Spin... Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (1) OK, my main point (in retrospect) on my previous (click the "Previous Entry" button above) entry is that I've read a lot of SF in my life. Not as much as my brother or my nephew, probably, but a lot.
I believe this idea would be a great SF backdrop to a short story or novel, but I couldn't figure out what would happen if the Moon suddenly started rotating. Perhaps mysteriously or maybe a planned effort by a whole society, for the benefit of that society, in some way. For some common good. Or would it damage the Earth's stability and therefore might be implemented as a weapon of war, if such colossal powers were imaginable. Or is it an alien species who decided they liked the Moon as a bauble and took off with it, by bouncing a comet or asteroid into it with just the right force and angle to shoot it off into escape orbit to interstellar space? This could even happen by chance and we see it coming for a hundred years to prepare against it... Lots of stories might be told along these lines, but I have never seen this treated as a realityscape in Science Fiction. I'd like to. If you happen to know any Science Fiction authors, or happen to know someone in the SF publishing industry, or you name it, it seems like an idea to pass along. Only an astrophysicist with a fast computer might simulate what might happen. Maybe it's been done. Maybe nobody's thought of it, because it would "never happen"... I'm open to ideas? Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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