Tinkerbell's On Her Knees Shhhh....don't tell! 71725 Curiosities served |
2003-07-01 4:27 PM The fricking wall did a job on me Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: no clue - too numb to feel anything right now, but i guess that can be good... Read/Post Comments (5) Alright, so it's been a few days since I have updated. This weekend killed me. 9-5 friday we took the muli-state multiple choice test I bitched about last time. Then there I was again at school bright and early saturday morning to go over the first 100 questions; another 9-5 day after which I got the pleasure of going home and doing a civil procedure essay - not the most difficult area, but definitely not exciting enough to validate my boring and "I have no life other than homework" Saturday night. Then Sunday morning, I was at school again at 9. 9-5 was the review of the second 100 questions. I came home and calapsed.
Then I had my breakdown. They talk about how everyone will be "hitting the wall" at one time or another. I thought I already had since I have been a little irritable and stressed. I was wrong. I hit the wall Sunday - complete with break down, tears, not being able to breathe, not being able to stop pacing or figiting, not being able to see straight - the whole nine yards. Luckily I had Jen to talk me down. THANK YOU AGAIN WOMAN, YOU ROCK (I dont' think I tell you that enough but you do, and you do too Rob, seriously.) Anyway, after calming down, cleaning my room (finally) and singing "Rent" for an hour and a half at the top of my lungs, I started to feel better. I did get some flack (sp?) from a former bar taker for "playing mind games" on myself, but truthfully I think I needed my breakdown. Now I can focus and not have to worry about when this is all going to hit me - it already has. And it's not over, but now I know that I can get through it in one piece. Damn I hate this. I am not doing as much work as some people, and I am doing more work than others, and I still don't know if I am doing enough. I don't want to burn out, but I also don't want to slack; it's a fine fine line... Anyway, yesterday was community property which gave me a little self confidence, since I finally felt like I at least knew SOME of what the lecturer and the practice essays were talking about. I had some yummy teriaki with my roomie and then we went for a walk with the puppy, and did our nails (no, not the dog's too - we love the dog, but we aren't psycho, jeez) - a total girly night; it was awesome, and greatly needed. My boy is back, yay. He seemed to have a good time in Florida - I just wish I didn't have to wait at least almost another week to see him. Sometimes it seems like his schedule is busier and harder to work around than mine, which is weird...oh well. I cannot and will not over react or read things into it that are not there. He is busy, period. right? oh god, I am girly aren't I? "I wanna see my boy, I wanna see my boy," - whine whine whine, BLECH. Or maybe I just need to get laid... (see what kind of person the bar is turning me into?) To the few of you going through this with me (Myke and Jen basicaly), we're almost done. It may go too fast and we may not be ready when July 29th arrives, but a few days later it will be O-V-E-R. yay...alcohol, cruise, alcohol, boys on the cruise, alcohol, maybe vegas, alcohol... and did I mention alcohol? 4 weeks from today. blah Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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