I'm a web developer for NOVICA. I'm fascinated by languages, even though I only speak English and a little Spanish. I can count in Korean and have numerous language and linguistics books. I'm living within walking distance of CSUN where I share an apartment with my girlfriend and 2 cats. I'm happy. I write sporadically (I really need to finish that short story), with every intention of making a living at it at an undisclosed point in the future. I taught physics at Emperor's College Winter Term 2008. I love games and stories and music and computers and science and "and." I drink my coffee 100% black 80% of the time and 80% black 20% of the time. Also, there are other things. 7332 42
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I don't know what I meme

Thanks to Heather Shaw for this interesting thing to do. The rules:
  1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
  2. Bold the things that you have in common with me. [For my list, it's Heather.]
  3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.
I'm modifying Heather's:
  1. I am pretty self-conscious in new or unusual social settings.
  2. I find this kind of introspection difficult for some reason.
  3. I cannot tap dance. Never could.
  4. I tend to do small good deeds when I can.
  5. I enjoy being rather flexible, and I am facinated by my double jointed toe.
  6. I love it when I get some free time, with absolutely no obligation other than sitting and being alone in my own thoughts.
  7. I am something of a packrat, and this trait extends, I'm sorry to say, to my computer/ email program.
  8. I am getting used to meeting famous writers I admire and can usually hold a conversation with them that doesn't make me sound like a fan boy.
  9. I worry quite often that I will never find the woman that is right for me.
  10. I've never tried polyamory.
  11. I have bad vision. (A bit nearsighted, in my case.)
  12. I am happier when I'm living with cats than when I'm not, even with all the litter box chores.
  13. I really only enjoy doing housework during the daylight hours.
  14. I want great hair, without having to actually maintain it.
  15. I was a physics major, and wish I'd had more literature classes.
  16. I was in a one act play in high school.
  17. I wish I was fluent in another language.
  18. I have no idea what rBST is.
  19. I had my wisdom tooth removed. (I only had one)
  20. I like hot bubble baths.
  21. I've only been to a handful of rock concerts.
  22. Most of what I read is fiction; I am rarely without a book. (I read quite a bit of non-fiction as well, mostly science related.)
  23. I think I look different in photographs than I do in the mirror.
  24. I can sew. Well, not lately, but it's been known to happen. (I can knit too.)
  25. When I find an author I love, I usually try to read every last thing they've written before I read anything by anyone else. This hasn't gone well for me as of late... and of course those pesky writers keep writing stuff.
  26. I can read faster than a lot of other people. (True, even though I know more than a few people who can read faster than me.)
  27. I have trouble managing money.
  28. It's very hard to get me to leave the house, but once I'm out I almost always have a good time. House could also be replaced by office in my case.
  29. I probably watch too much television. Right now I do most of my TV watching through DVD's of series, because I'm addicted to story arcs and hate missing them or waiting a week for an installment.
  30. I would enjoy a vacation to someplace warm.
  31. I love people watching.
  32. I think I have changed a lot in just the past couple of years.(but not as much as I'd like to have changed)
  33. I really wish I could go back home to visit more often.
  34. I miss my younger brother. (he passed away 2 years ago)
  35. I wish I could sing more often.
  36. I resent the fact that we have to eat regularly. (This would be less of a problem if I had a chef -- it's the planning of meals that really bugs me.)
  37. I'm more scared of my own government than I am of outside terrorists.
  38. I need more energy.
  39. I love sleep.
  40. I like having time to think.
  41. I've moved around all my life, and while I know I'll move again, I'm quite happy where I'm living right now.
  42. I must read before I go to sleep. When I can't remember what I just read, I know it's time to turn off the light.
  43. I wish I'd applied myself a bit more in college.
  44. A good mug of hot cocoa might be nice.
  45. I speak cat. Mrrrriaow!
  46. I will never give up ice cream!!!
  47. I am learning how to let it all go.
  48. I was a boy scout, so I've camped in the wilderness more than once, yet I've never been to Spain.
  49. In general, I'm pretty horrible at correspondence.
  50. I want to visit England.
  51. I am addicted to reading.
  52. I almost always get a tax refund.

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