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2005-06-20 10:43 AM Update It’s been an eventful and exhausting couple of weeks. I’m not really sure where to start. A quick glance at my calendar isn’t helping remember much of it, so I’ll hit the highlights…
Two weeks ago my dear friend from high school finally tied the knot. I managed to survive the bachelorette/bachelor party intact. It was something of a dry run for my high school reunions, should my life be sad enough that I actually choose to attend. My internal dialog went something like, “I don’t care how much your damn suit cost. Really? You make that much? Then why can’t you buy your own damn cigarettes? Stop looking at my breasts, fuckwit! No, I don’t want a shot. Really? You have free beer at your place? Then why don’t you go home and drink it! Am I coming with you? Are you kidding me?” The rehearsal dinner was really enjoyable. Really enjoyable, that is, until A ordered a bottle of wine for he and I and the server returned to pour, offering her congratulations to “the happy couple.” Yeah, she was addressing A and I. I about choked. It wouldn’t have been so bad (though A said I looked as if I was about to run away from him screaming), if the maid of honor sitting to my right didn’t feel the need to bemoan the fact that, now that I’ve met A, I’ll probably beat her to the altar. A just shifted uncomfortably in his chair while I tried not to beat her over the head with the breadbasket. The wedding itself was gorgeous. A little hot to be standing in the scorching sun wearing a long satin dress (A came up to me, touched my back, said “Ew,” and wiped his hands on his pant leg…I was pretty sticky). The air conditioning was broken at the reception and the bride “mommed” me (mommed = guilt trip) for not spending any time on the dance floor. To pacify her I danced a few slow ones with A (mmm…they were fun!) and was relieved when he finally drove me home. I was so exhausted that I was sleeping by the time we made it to his place so he woke me up, helped me out of the baby blue satin, ran me a cool shower, and tucked me in for the night. The following day I picked my dogs up from the sitter (yes, I have amazing friends), and lazed about a bit before visiting my mom and meeting A for “Sailing: Take Two.” Wow. I get it now. It was an incredible afternoon sail. Hell, that may just have been a perfect afternoon. I loved it. Again I say…wow. I could live my life like that. The following week is a bit fuzzy. Darts were thrown, a shift at the restaurant was worked, and A and I continued to nauseate ourselves together. Hey, at least we realize that we’re a couple of tools. We do, however, try to keep most of the mush away from the general public. Last week my sisters and I hopped a plane to Boston and drove to Maine to spend a few days in a really gorgeous cabin on the water. The weather was pretty cold and rainy, but it was a definite relief from the 90+ degree humid heat wave that we’ve been living in for the past few weeks. I was feeling like I was living in someone’s mouth there for a while. We managed to get some really extreme hikes in, kayaked on a gorgeous lake (I wasn’t allowed to go on the Atlantic side of the island because I couldn’t “prove” to the frigging people that I’m an experienced paddler), and relaxed and shopped a bit. Good times with the sisters. I arrived home yesterday, eager to see my dogs and my boy and reclaim my solitude for a bit. I actually do feel pretty rested after the break from work and home stuff. I cuddled with the puppies a bit yesterday, cuddled with the boy for a bit, and managed to tear myself away because I was (*gasp*) eager to order a pizza and do laundry and walk the dogs and not have to make polite conversation. I’m ready to deal with the next two months. I’m trying to find a way to balance the myriad of things that need to get done yesterday with some summer fun/bonding with friends time before starting school. Everyone seems to feel the need to regale me with tales of horror about the first year of law school. I’ve tried to brush it off for months, but now it’s starting to wear on me. I’m now convinced that I really will be destitute, I’ll owe the government more than I ever hope to earn as an attorney, I’ll be going to class and studying for twenty hours a day, I’ll lose all of my friends, I’ll be brainwashed, A will dump my sorry ass, I’ll either gain or lose forty pounds, I’ll have a nervous breakdown, I’ll be a pill-popping manic depressive, I’ll fail all of my classes, I’ll be mentally flogged by villainous professors while fellow students laugh with glee, I’ll have night terrors, and my family will disown me. Until that all transpires, I need to find a place to live yesterday, have A fix up my sister’s old desktop and hope that I can scrape together enough dough for a laptop, move, see an eye doctor for glasses (since I’m apparently half-blind and about to lose my vision insurance), see a dentist to get the next three years of teeth cleanings out of the way, make enough money to buy all of the cement-block sized books I’ll be needing (yeah, my current employer publishes most of them, I hate giving them money…I wish I didn’t have morals and didn’t have a problem with Black’s Law Dictionary sneaking into my purse before I leave), get my driver’s license unsuspended, the list goes on and on… Wow. I sort of regret the quitting of the smoking. I should have postponed it for a bit. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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