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2005-06-23 9:52 AM House Hunting, Revisited Looking for a place to live is much more fun that I’d anticipated. I’ve seen some really great apartments so far that are absolutely adorable, cheap, and dog friendly. I applied for one place yesterday and plunked down a nonrefundable $100 for fear that someone will snatch it up before I do. I figure if I find something more desirable, losing $100 is no big deal. (Added bonus: the guy who is moving into the apartment below the one I looked at will be attending the same law school as I am in the fall. Study buddy!) Course, afterwards I looked at an absolutely incredible place on Edgewater that I fell in love with it, despite the fact that it’s about $75-100 more per month than I want to spend. Grr…
Tonight it’s off to Tremont to see two lofts that sound too good to be true. One is charging $650 for an eight hundred square foot space with cable and high speed included. The owner also lives in the building and informed me that he cleans up all dog poop to ensure residents don’t squabble about who is not cleaning up after their dogs. Apparently, there is a dog in every loft in the building. Hmmm… Saturday I’m looking at a place that is also a bit out of my price range but boasts 1200 square feet, a sunroom, two bedrooms, first floor unit (four unit building), and is one of the really cool places on the west side that was built in the twenties. I fully expect to cry because I want it so much. The building is also on a corner lot with lots of yard space for the pups. The owners of the building are also dog owners and don’t charge anything additional for dogs in the building. I love dog people. If I had any hopes of finding a roommate through the school, which I’ve heard can go either way, then I think I’d take this one. However I’m thinking that living on my own is probably for the best. My hard core searching this week is a result of a mild breakdown I had on Tuesday resulting from my fear that I would never find a place to live. My sweet A magnificently came to the rescue and drove me to all of my most desired neighborhoods, shouting out phone numbers and addresses of places available for rent, even pulling over and running up to places that had information flyers. Heck, he even pulled up next to dog walkers to ask if they rented and if they knew of any vacancies for dog owners. He was great. I ended up with a list of almost forty places to call and an even bigger crush than ever (I’ve had little experience with helpful people before. Who knew they could be so…helpful?). I dragged my exhausted self over to A’s last night after the apartment searching to tell him about my good fortune, since my cell phone was long dead from all of the house-hunting phone calls, and we went out for some much needed dinner. Afterwards I drove home to walk my dogs, full of promises to return to A for some drinks and fun, only to (as he prophesied) end up flopping on my couch, unable to get vertical again for the rest of the night. Ah well… I expect today to fly by due to various meetings and (lucky me!) a workplace baby shower to attend to. I’m crossing my fingers for luck with the lofts tonight, and hope that A is down with some lazing about in his air conditioned house with me because I want nothing more than another evening of sloth. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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