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2005-06-27 12:18 PM West Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide... I’m signing a lease for a new place on Thursday. After my exhaustive search I’m ending up with the first place that I saw. How typical of me. It’s a one-bedroom apartment in a cool old brick building on the west side of Cleveland. I dig the hardwood floors, cute balcony, and of course, the cheap ass rent with heat included. I am, of course, mildly panicked. I feel pretty terrible about moving my dogs from a house with a yard to an apartment in the city. I’m worried about moving everything, worried about Sam’s family collecting all of their things from my house, worried about finding furniture, worried about money, worried about the alarmingly short amount of time that I have left to work before school starts. The relief at finally settling on a place does little to assuage these worries.
I’m trying like hell to think of the pros of my new place to ease the nervous tummy ache that just won’t go away. I’ll be closer to A, which we are both ecstatic about. I’ll be much closer to school. I’ll be saving a hell of a lot of money on living expenses. I like the apartment. I live right by my very favorite vintage clothing store in all of Ohio. I’ll feel safe walking my dogs at night. I can’t wait to move out of the house that I should have left ages ago. It’s not helping. Moving on… We weekend was, as usual of late, pretty damn good. Friday night, after chilling with the dogs for a bit, I headed to A’s for an impromptu gathering of friends. He ended up with quite the crowd, and we cooked out, over-imbibed, played a highly entertaining game of I Never, and passed out exhausted after the merry-making. Saturday, what with the disgusting heavy heat that we’re dealing with, ended up being nothing more than a day to sleep with great discomfort through the hottest part of the day before heading to the restaurant for a very successful night of bussing tables. A and I then continued what appears to be our Sunday tradition of sloth. After visiting my family I headed to his air-conditioned palace to do absolutely nothing. We headed to Nature’s Bin to pick up some goodies for dinner and discovered some lovely olive oil and rosemary roasted potatoes that were delicious and, hopefully, made up for the fact that A had to have vegan black bean burgers for dinner since they didn’t carry hamburger meat after I’d assured him that they did. Whoops. Luckily he liked the Tofutti Cuties I bought for dessert, otherwise I think I might have endangered our lazy Sunday afternoons together in the future. Now, as I look at the weeks ahead, I see that I have seven weeks of work left at the day job. Only five left at the restaurant. In that time I need to see the eye doctor and the dentist, fix my drivers license/insurance issues, buy a computer, move, buy books, get health insurance, make sure the financial aid office doesn’t forget about me, take my dogs to the vet, see Lance about my hair, find/buy furniture, and work as much as possible. Then, that’s it! I will officially be a poor, jobless student! I vaguely remember when I used to be excited about all of this crap… Mreh! I just want it to Sunday again! Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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