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2005-08-16 4:18 PM Thoughts on Law School I'm only in as far as two days of orientation (including writing classes), so these observations are rather preliminary. It is quite possible that I could live to eat my words later, but...well...I don't think so.
First, let me just say how absolutely unimpressed I am with my classmates. They are *exactly* what I expected, only worse. I suspect that it will be a study-groupless three years for me... Second, and I'm sure many will snicker at this one, I'm tired of the Chicken Littles running around the school squawking and telling us all how absolutely difficult and stressful the first year is, advising us to keep a psychiatrist on speed dial, advising our SOs that they won't see their loved ones for months and when they do, well, law school changes everyone... Here's what. These people, to me, seem like whiney cry babies. In fact, they seem the type of people who have never had an actual job, or had to balance any sort of responsibilities other than a few flimsy political science courses and a pitcher of beer. Really. Quit bitching. It just makes you look incompetent. Yeah, I said it. It can't possibly be as traumatic as you all make it out to be. I know plenty of incompetent attorneys. If they can do it... I also don't buy the crap that "everyone is on even ground," or something to that effect (unlike when you get your undergrad, when apparently "all students aren't on the same page"). Ummm...here's what. We weren't on the same page then and we're not now. Some people are just more intelligent, better students, better writers, better thinkers, better time managers, and have more experience. Nobody is on the same page. Ever. Other observations? Breasts! They're everywhere! And apparently, the thing to do is to have them hanging out for all to see! And bitchy girls? Lots of 'em. I seem to end up talking to guys more than anything. I've already discovered the one annoying-ass guy in my section (I prayed after that alumni reception that I would never have to interact with him again) and he makes me want to club him over the head with one of my very heavy and expensive textbooks. Guess I'd better go and read the thirty pages I have to read tomorrow. OH NO! HOW WILL I EVER MANAGE?!? Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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