Mindless Blather
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2L No More!

Man oh man, reading sites like the most recent posted on http://www.waiterrant.net/ just make my blood boil. Oh, the not so good old days…

I had another blood boiling experience today, come to think of it. This morning I stood at the intersection of W. 3rd and St. Clair, waiting for the light to change so that the pups and I could cross on our way back to the apartment. Zeus was, as usual, trying to get a good sniff of as many passing pedestrians as possible. A ghetto fabulous couple and their adorable son walked by, and the boy was clearly afraid of the dogs. His mother shoved him in front of Zeus as they walked passed and told him not to back away, because he could “make them some money” from the dogs and I.


Even better, the father (the size of a linebacker, I should add) got in my face and told me to get my “motherfucking dogs away from him before he kills us all.”


I’m proud of myself for not backing down. I just smiled and told him to “have a nice day.” I left off the “…dick” until he was out of earshot.

Poor little kid…

Anyhow, today is, officially, the end of the semester. My relief is…well, there are really no words for it. I don’t have any predictions about how well I did. I will say that I worked my butt off this semester, and I honestly could give a crap how well I did. My First Amendment and Con Law final weren’t that difficult. Corporations was iff-ey. I’m sure I rocked my Predatory Lending seminar and the Fair Housing Clinic so yeah…lots of work, but not a bad semester…

I have a week off (which isn’t really “off” since I’m working and I have to finish some stuff for the clinic) before I start summer classes. I’m taking two courses at Urban that I’m really looking forward to. I’m thinking I’ll like working on my Masters a lot better than my law classes, but you never know… I could be completely wrong.

I’m still pretty exhausted. I’m getting lots of offers to go out and drink copiously, but sadly, I’m more excited about cleaning the apartment, doing laundry, going for a run, rereading all the Harry Potter books in preparation for the release of the final, going to the movies with Aud, cooking, helping him get the boat ready to go in the water next weekend (wheeee!), taking my dogs to the park, going to the Monet exhibit at the CMA, hanging out with my mom… In fact, the idea of going out and drinking heavily turns my stomach a little bit. How’s that for nearing thirty? Never thought I’d see the day…

And yeah, I’m at the senior center again this afternoon, ready to impart wisdom about how to avoid abusive lenders… The letches aren’t here today. Just another reason to be in a fabulous mood, wouldn’t you say?

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