Mindless Blather ...now edited for content |
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2007-05-31 1:31 PM Summertime in Cleveland Because Euclid is torn to pieces as part of RTA’s Euclid Corridor Project (pretty sweet initiative, heard the director of RTA speak about it yesterday…I can’t wait to have a nice safe bike lane to ride to the east side…’twill make eating pasta and pastry in Little Italy much less dangerous to my ass), I have to park at the Trinity Cathedral and cut through it to get to Café Ahroma for the unbelievably spectacular red pepper hummus wraps I like to eat for lunch. Every time I walk through the addition to the Cathedral, the smell reminds me of the smell of my mother’s Mormon Church (I used to take her on Sundays when I was in college). It’s uncanny. It’s the same flipping smell. Is it the smell of righteousness? I’m not sure, but for some reason, it makes me feel guilty…
Speaking of guilt, I’ve had it with people asking me when I’m getting married. Yes, I’m quite aware that I’m no “spring chicken,” but shut the hell up about it already. Last night an old pal asked me if I was planning on “living in sin” for the rest of the life. If he’d said that in person, rather than over the phone, I may have pushed him in front of a bus. And summer… It’s here. I’m already loving the summer downtown. The crowds in the streets after the Indians games and the Cavs playoff games, sitting on the patio of Bier Market on W. 25th drinking mojitos, running through Lincoln park at night and going on the swings, walking by the water, actually *enjoying* walks with the dogs, hearing concerts at the Scene Pavilion across the river… Yeah, life is good… And of course, no law classes this summer. I’ve started my MPA courses, which are unbelievably easy yet very interesting. Oh, and grades are rolling in from Spring semester. The nerd is back my friends…the A’s are rolling in… I’m also training or the Pedal to the Point in August, a 2-day, 150-mile ride from Berea to Sandusky in support of the MS Society. I’ve been riding on the towpath in the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area, and big sections of the park are closed because Bald Eagles are actually nesting there. I saw one on Monday morning. Pretty flippin cool… I do miss living practically on top of that towpath, but I’ve discovered that I can access from downtown. I just follow the river past all of the drug dealers, rapists, and failed businesses until I get to Steelyard Commons (the new shopping center amidst all the closed-down steel plants), pick up a trail there, and it’ll take me (pretty close) to the trailhead. I’m thinking, once I can ride from my building past Akron, I’m ready to go to Sandusky… I’m camping this weekend with some pals, and I’m a bit concerned about how I’m going to watch the game on Saturday. Will it ever happen? Can Cleveland actually *win* a championship? The town could really use it. It’s been pretty exciting here these past few games… I must find a television in southern Ohio to scream at… And…why was Geraldo at the game on Tuesday? And who was he cheering for? Oh, and all you celebrities that have been coming to Cleveland for the games, can you please not almost hit the dogs and I with your Rolls Royces? Much appreciated… Oh, and Larry Hughes, can I make out with you? Just for a second. Aud won’t mind… Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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