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Cleaning House
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"I think of the self that I write about as being made out of words. He's been reconstructed constantly, over and over again, out of words." - Charles Wright

While at the laptop contemplating what to write today, I went into my bookmarks. I realize I have so many that some I have not visited since I bookmarked them. Some sites I checked are no longer available. Then I found one at WordPress titled The Black Dog Visiting.

Now I can tell Michael exactly how long he has been off work. I must have recently returned from Stanford University Pysch Ward to know what I have been diagnosed with for mental illnesses, and the loss of two of my fur kids.

Reading that page, seeing the site I created, in a way I do miss WordPress. Shall I go back and create a new page? This is because they won't let me into my site for whatever reason. I have e-mailed and e-mailed and given them all the information they requested and still they tell me, no go. Grrr.

However, I think I shall begin copying and pasting my entries into Word since the day I had a melt down and deleted all my work from Diaryland and WordPress.

But, back to housecleaning, as I noticed how many bookmarks I have and do not use I went to clean my list up but I don't find the housecleaning button. I'm not sure if I just click on a link and hit delete. I thought there was a link in the bookmarks for establishing order.

I cannot find any easy way to clean my bookmarks except to go through them one at a time and right click the link and press the delete button. It is slow but it is getting done. When I asked that man of mine about this, he says there is a function for organizing my bookmarks and I need to look in other places on the tool bar. This will be something I will attend to tomorrow.

It won't happen today but I need to do some actual house cleaning tomorrow. The kitchen floor needs to be washed and the bathroom sink and counters needs a good wiping down.

So, till then, nighty night.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "The Chalice of Blood: A Mystery of Ancient Ireland" - Peter Tremayne
-- "The Daily Book of Art: 365 readings that teach, inspire & entertain" - day 154

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