
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Guess Who Is Wireless?
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"Influence seems to me a peculiar prohibition in the West. It's like a capitalist influence in art, the idea that each person is supposed to produce a totally unique commodity. But we're all in a common language and a common culture. I don't see why each of us has to think of our own particular territory of subject matters, themes, or styles as if we were each locked in a closet." - Lyn Hejinian

I came home last night to a wonderful surprise. While I was at the Friday night meeting, Michael worked on my computer. He was able to use the wireless equipment we did have and installed it on my L-top. Now I am able to sit in my chair in the living room and type away in comfort. Although, for the little time I was on it last night I began to have muscle spasms in my shoulders and had to stop.

The spasms could be for any number of reasons, I'm not sure it was being in a new position while typing on my computer. I took some muscle relaxers and went to bed.

When I woke up this morning, the sun was out and it appeared to be a lovely day. As the day drew near noon, the sky became overcast and then the rain came. It stayed this way for a short time and now the sun is back out again. The meteorologist said last night that the rain would come tonight. I don't know whether or not we shall have more rain or what we had is what we will get.

I had planned to walk today but instead I tackled one of my projects. Today I set up my reading area in the sanctuary. It was kind of daunting with all the stuff in this small space.

I began by moving out the pile of blankets into the hallway, next came going through boxes of books and moving them out of the way so I could get to the table that matches my Adirondack rocking chair.

It was so cool to find books I had been searching for such as my gardening books and my yoga book for stress. To display my books, I used the method that we use at my Friday night meeting to display our books. The box goes on its side and the books are placed upright so the titles are easy to read.

I have three boxes of books on top of the table. There are many titles I want to get into but now I must wait until I finish up the books I have checked out at the library. I also put my daily inspirational books on the table as well as my stash of books I want to read once I have returned the library books.

I was able to empty five boxes of books. I found only one broken tea light candle holder. This is pretty good considering all the moving these boxes have taken oven the past three years. There is a little more space in the sanctuary now and this makes me happy. I also found a bedspread that fits our bed so it will be washed this coming month.

My next project will be to set up my office area. I goal is to start on this next Saturday but only time will tell. I can't believe the sweat I created in moving boxes, bedding, and organization.

I did get the kitchen floor washed and put away clean dishes to finish up my housecleaning.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "The Chalice of Blood: A Mystery of Ancient Ireland" - Peter Tremayne
-- "The Daily Book of Art: 365 readings that teach, inspire & entertain" - day 155

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