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Tapping My Head
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"Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." - Thomas Jefferson

I only wish more politicians followed what Mr. Jefferson has said in the above quote. These days I don't know who to believe. I want a magnifying glass to be able to look very closely at what these guys and gals are proposing. I don't feel it is in the public's interest.

I'm tapping my head because I have been sitting here for a couple of hours trying to find something to write about and nothing is coming. I hate it when this happens. Although I am listening to country western music on the AARP station and this makes me happy.

I saw in my news links that Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees is in a coma. He had gotten pneumonia and is very sick. I say my prayers for him and his family. He's only 62.

I was a Bee Gees fan long before they became famous for Saturday Night Fever. This movie, of course, put them over the top for the 80s disco music. This does happen to be one of my favorite movies.

I made a stop at the hardware store to pick up a few things. I did find one very healthy roma tomato plant. I see gardening in my view for tomorrow. This means I will need to finish weeding the space I have planned for tomatoes. I'm glad we are having sunshine today. This means all of my plants can dry out before the next storm sets in.

I guess this is it for today. Everyone have a grand Sunday.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- "The Camel Club" - David Baldacci
-- "The Daily Book of Art: 365 readings that teach, inspire & entertain" - day 171

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