
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Happy Monday
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I cannot believe I didn't write yesterday. I had planned to but somehow I just never got as far as the L-top.

I say to all my on-line friends who are mothers whether of two-legged or four-legged children a happy Mother's Day. For my immediate friends, I texted flowers from photos I took with my cell phone camera. I had several return texts thanking me for remembering them. My really big surprise was a happy Mother's Day text from my son. Since we don't communicate I was pleased to have received this text from him.

For me, I went to church and I'm glad I did. It is a nice way to begin a Sunday. When I returned home, instead of rushing into the "to do" mode, I chose to sit in my chair and listen to some music (thank you Bex) and to take a nap. When I awoke, I felt all peaceful and calm. Later I watched movies on the telly with that man of mine and was happy just being instead of doing.

Today's priorities were to pay the bills. Ugh. With the unexpected expenses from Michael's hospitalization, I am short on dollars. I have said my prayers and put them in the prayer box.

Talk about bills, Michael received a copy of the ambulance bill and it is over $2,000.00 for the paramedics to take him 11 miles from our apartment to the hospital. OMG!

I am giving some thought to volunteer work. I have contacted an organization called Caring Callers. Since I am retired I felt I could give a couple of hours a week to spend time with someone. I was well received by the person who answered the phone and she has sent me some paperwork to fill out. The organization will also be doing a background check and I will have to attend a training session prior to assignment to a person(s).

It has been suggested to me that it would be doing a good turn for someone else but I would also reap benefits for myself.

All I can do is take baby steps and see where they take me.

I called in my glucose readings to the dietician since I saw her last week. I had been writing down all the carbs, proteins and fats. I found for me instead of having actual meals, I am a grazer. I totaled up the carbs I am to have in a day and then ate accordingly. It worked much better and I had hoped for good results because I began this note taking with a high glucose number and it went down and then up again. What gives? Again, I feel betrayed by my body since I am doing what is asked of me and it is not working.

The dietician said not to worry, easy for her to say. She increased my insulin to 18 units and she assures me this is a small dose.

Now, I don't know how I feel about all of this. I guess I have to practice the three As: awareness, acceptance, and action. I am definitely in the acceptance space but do I have to like it? I know once I have given some time to this, I will get back on track and not obsess about this stuff.

The sun was out when I awoke this morning. It is a good day to work in my garden.

mz. em

Currently reading:
-- Catching up on books I began but didn't finish.


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