
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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"Doing nothing is sometimes the best thing we can do." - Connie Hilliard

I like this quote because I am one to keep doing things when I really need to be still. Yet, I have learned through the times when I have been still, things work out just fine without my intervening. This is where I feel since I am not feeling good; it would be a good thing for me to just take it easy instead of doing. Easier said than done!

This is the area I organized over Monday and Tuesday. It still is a little messy on the ends of the table but it is better than before. I now at least have a workable area for writing or doing bills. The boxes at each end of the table are books to be read. The boxes under the table are office supplies. I hope to be adding my hanging files of paperwork that is now in the dining room/kitchen at the end of the desk. Anyway, I feel I may have to put my little bench upon two of my floor pillows to get it high enough for the table. However, it is a start!

\Office area 6 27 2012

This next photo is of my meditation area. At the moment it is in disarray because of the above work. I will need to work on that area next so I can use it again. At least this is the excuse I am using since I have not meditated for the last three days. Also, I need to purchase hardware so I can attach the mirror to its frame and then attach the frame to the drawer base you see in front. Considering all the moving around this piece of furniture has done, I am so grateful the mirror didn't break.

Meditation area 6 27 2012

This third photo shows a portion of my reading nook. To the left of this table is my Adirondack rocking chair. The table is one I purchased to go along with the chair. Since I have so many books to read, Michael suggested I get them out so I would see them and would want to read them before going to the library. I used the boxes they had been packed in as shelves and it works. I do have books stacked on each side of the table as well as a box of books under the table. This area too is in disorder from the work on the office area. The framed photos you see in this area are going up over the closet in the next photo. The vented area you see to the left is an electronic heating vent. We don't use these since they use a lot of electricity and it costs a lot.

Reading nook 6 27 2012

Ah, this area you see now is what the whole room looked liked a year and a half ago. Eventually this area will become my art area. Plus I will have to work on the closet which will probably hold any boxes that I'm not sure what to do with. But this is a task for another day.

One of two left to do 6 27 2012


As for my health today, I still feel fussy. I have a chronic condition brought on by stress or if I eat foods high in argenine. I develop a fever, headaches, and a rash. During this time I tend to be irritable or depressed or both. My remedies are to look at what I have been eating (sunflower seeds which I used to eat a lot is a common cause and I've quit eating them), up my intake of lysine tablets, and to use lysine balm on the afflicted areas along with freshly squeezed lemon juice. This juice needs to contain the oils from the peel to work properly. I think stress has brought this on and not the foods I have been eating but I have to look at the whole picture.

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed the creation process of my room. Michael has been so good to me in taking over the second bedroom in every house we have lived in. I have such a good guy. He will also tell you I have more stuff (namely books) than he does.

mz. em

Currently reading:

-- "House Magic - The Good Witch's Guide to Bringing Grace to Your Space" - Ariana

-- "The Crimson Petal and the White" - Michel Faber


"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn, English entrepreneur and philosopher

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