
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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This is Why
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Anxious and Overwhelmed

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"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be."

- Patanjali, author of the "Yoga Sutras"

The title says it all. If I don't write every day it is too easy not to write.

So here I am at an empty page. What do I write about?

Well for one thing, I have not been feeling all that well. My agoraphobia has been full tilt these past few weeks. I am very happy to stay home. The few times I have been out is only because Michael is with me. Those few times totally drained me of energy.

Then there is the stress of my diabetes. I'm to the point I don't want to eat. My glucose numbers are a roller coaster. I now have to take a reading twice a day. My numbers are closer to 100 but I did have one reading of 207. I don't know what to do since I feel I am doing all I can except to stop eating.

Gee, I wish I could hire a cook.

I have gotten out and took some long walks. I have returned home tired but I feel exercised. I have slept well that night. My body is tired and sore. Michael feels I may be pushing it since I am doing an hour and a half in time. Today I took a shorter walk. I still feel tired and sore. However, I did get out an walk and that counts.

I received distressing news while I was out when I stopped by the local used bookstore that has been here for 28 years. They are closing their doors the end of August. I can't believe it. I go here or to the library for books. Now to sell or trade in my books, I will have to travel into SLO-town. It just doesn't feel right when I was able to walk to the bookstore. The lady I talked to today said that it's because of Amazon and other on-line bookstores and people are using Nooks or Kindles so they have no use for books. Aaaahhhh! How can this be? I could see using a virtual book for like an airline trip or on a bus but for every day living, I want a REAL book. I like the feel of a book in my hands. I like watching my bookmark move through the book. I just like books.

So enough of my rant about books and the closing of my local used bookstore.

The day began foggy but then the fog burned off and it is sunny with a slight breeze. It was nice to be out and about. See this is why it is good to walk because if I had been in the truck, I would never have stopped in and found out news and to talk to another person who loves cats.

We shared our cat stores and photos. This was fun and now that local news I will not have. Blaah.

Okay, enough of depressing news.

I did accomplish some house projects. I did use my new office space today. I did do some self care stuff in taking care of me.

I even cooked. I made a stir fry using zucchini, a variety of summer squash which I don’t know, one potato and some kale. My seasonings were:

+ Pam and olive oil, just enough to cover the skillet
+ A sprinkle of salt, pepper, and dill weed
+ When done, a drizzle of sesame oil

All was very tasty and enough left over to have with my dinner.

Thus was my day so far.

mz. em

Currently reading:

-- "House Magic - The Good Witch's Guide to Bringing Grace to Your Space" - Ariana

-- "The Crimson Petal and the White" - Michel Faber


"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn, English entrepreneur and philosopher

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