
No matter what the day brings, deep down I know it really is a good day because I have the man of my dreams, a kitty who loves me, a roof over my head and I live in paradise.

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Full Moon Tonight
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"Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish." - Chuck Palahniuk, author of "Fight Club"

I don't know if it was the full moon's pre-energy or what but I was awake at 2:30 a.m. Every hour after that I saw the time change on the clock. I could not get comfortable. I tried deep breathing and saying my prayer beads even Bailey's purring or his warm little body next to mine would put me to sleep.

At 5:55 a.m. I finally told myself enough all ready and I got up. I feel drained and tired. Being so, I began my day with my usual stuff. I even took care of Bailey and some household projects.

The irritation I feel today is from my L-top. It has been running very slow. I have tried restart to shut down. I tried the virus scan and the defrag and still I have a slow running computer. I'm ready to drop kick it through the door.

That darling man of mine traded places with me and he found some programs in the files that shouldn't be there. Hmmm, I wonder where those came from. I'm not one for adventure when it comes to my PC where as my darling DH will give a go at most things that look fun or can make his computer bigger and faster. I don't need the bells and whistles. Just give me the little train that could!

So, if you don't hear from me in a few days, I've shut down the computer or it's out sitting on the back patio getting a suntan.

Would you believe, I cooked today. Or I could say I did magick with food. I have been trying to eat our real food first before it spoils. Yesterday I wrote about doing a stir fry with the summer squashes and kale.

Today, I attempted a juice, no; I attempted a veggie/fruit smoothie, no; possibly green baby food, no; I've got it I made a very thick cold soup. Let me tell you I would not offer it to anyone until I have it perfected. I can at least say I got my daily portions of fruits and veggies.

What I did was chop up the summer squash I had left, two large leaves of kale, and an orange for a sweet taste and placed all this in my blender and chopped it up. I added two tablespoons of wheat germ and flaxseed meal, two cups of tomato juice, three dashes of Worcestershire Sauce, and a dollop of hot sauce. I pushed the knob for puree and away I went. Before turning on the blender, I shut all the doors so as not to wake Michael because it was still early.

My concoction didn't taste bad but it does need some fine tuning. I showed it to Michael and asked him if he wanted to try some. He rolled his eyes and said a no thank you very kindly.

When I finished off the rest for lunch I also had a croissant with it and that helped the taste. The taste you ask, it was very earthy.

My actual cooking was tonight where I made stuff pork chops for Michael. Whew boy, the apartment began to smell really good. The wait was worth it because the chops came out perfectly. Darn, if I had thought I could have taken a photo!

My next cooking foray is to make homemade potato chips. Since we have a lot of potatoes and we like potato chips. What a wonderful way to try something new. The recipe I found is for baking the chips as to frying them.

As for making bread, it is still in the works. I have to check the recipe again because I think I am missing a couple of items. But, before the week is gone, I will have baked some bread. I, personally, can hardly wait. It has been so long since I have made some that I am mildly intimidated.

While I was on the patio refreshing the water in the birdbaths and watering the plants, I noticed the earth in our little plot looked different. The potato plants were looking pretty sketchy. Further investigation of the plot and near the cement wall I found a hole in the ground. I cannot believe this be we have a gopher. I watered everything down really well. Michael says that I won't drown the little critter. Although I wasn't trying to do that just give the plants a good watering. Later in the afternoon, I noticed some new hills in our garden and in checking it out; I found two more hills with openings. This plot of earth is surrounded by cement and somehow this beast found a way in. I can imagine our potatoes are gone. Drats!

Did everyone get to check out the moon? The zenith came about 11:48 a.m. this morning but don't tell the moon. Michael and I had talked about driving up to Montana de Oro State Park to view the moon from one of the lookout spots. We didn't make to the park but I was able to step out my front door and get a lovely view of the moon. Michael brought out the binoculars which made the moon appear even larger.

While I was finishing up this entry, I happened to look out the slider door and saw a baby opossum on the cement ledge. Not sure how he got there but we surmise he may have fallen out of the tree which hangs over the fence. The little guy tried going between the two fences which led to nowhere because there is an iron pole between the two fences. Then he/she endeavored to climb the fence but that was a no go. Back and forth she walked the wall. Finally she was able to climb to the top of the connecting wall between our apartment and Mr. and Mrs. T's apartment. This wall is much shorter than the one on the cement wall. Back and forth over this fence and the she went back to the cement with one more try to go between the two fences on that side and then she disappeared.

Michael and I were having fun watching but Bailey was entranced by this creature. I'm sure he knew it wasn't a bird of any kind. Oh the joys of living the in the country.

Well, I'm off to bed. Everyone have a wonderful day tomorrow.

mz. em

Currently reading:

-- "House Magic - The Good Witch's Guide to Bringing Grace to Your Space" - Ariana

-- "The Crimson Petal and the White" - Michel Faber


"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn, English entrepreneur and philosopher

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