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One End of Year Task Done
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Waning Gibbous Moon in Scorpio

"The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem." - Theodore Rubin

This quote makes me think of my end of year filing I must do. Since October, I haven't done any filing and so it is in one big stack. I must get it in order so that I can get ready for this coming year. Therefore, I must get on with it.

Today I focused on filing away all of my 2012 filing. I have a very bad habit of piling the receipts and bills on top of my filing box and that is as far as it gets. I have that poor box so full it is like a rooster with a comb.

My next step shall be going through my 2011 papers and cull out all that I don't need to actually have. I have to hold onto quite a bit all because when it comes time for our annual financial review, the housing authority requests all kinds of receipts with the majority of them being originals.

I hate handing over originals but I can't afford to copy off everything they demand. So, I always put a note that what they have in hand is originals and to return them once they have finished with them.

What I don't like is they date stamp every piece of paper. I would think they would stamp the copies instead of my originals but they are a government entity.

My second task for filing is to move all of my 2012 papers into my secondary filing box for the above-referenced review. I will throw out a lot of stuff which will pair down what I do have on hand. Then there will be room for the 2013 filing.

After this comes my working on all of my budgetary figures and to finish out December and note those facts on my annual budget. This is the first year I have done this and it will be interesting to see where our money is going.


It has been an indoor day. Rain was predicted and we got that last night. When I arose this morning it was sunny and the apartment wasn't chilly. Later in the day the clouds came in and everything cooled off.

I worked on the above, did some more knitting, a little work in my journal and reading e-mail. All I have left is to do some reading. Then I will have done all I have set out to do. A day well done!

mz. em


Currently reading:

-- "Possession - A Romance" - A. S. Byatt




"I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again." - William Penn, English entrepreneur and philosopher


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