One True Thing
in the ocean of noise

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not the passenger
and somewhere alfie smiles
I used to have a hamster tree
and the man with the golden gun
lily is dancing on the table
the room of the banished poet
but you're not here
I want to paint it black
if you can come to california
till human voices wake us
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I thought I was someone else...someone good...
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melancholic weariness

I'm going to the party tomorrow night. Tonight now really. Waiting for my blue vanilla slurpee, which I'll only drink half of before passing out for a couple hours and getting up for work.

My only clothing idea has been space camoflauge, and I'm not sure how to pull that one off.

And I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't go, that I don't belong to these people. That the cool girl act is all for you, and that without it, there'd be nothing. No chance of looking good, but no chance of being foolish.

What if all of this is one extended pick up line? What fool would I be then? What if this was all just an act to make you like me?

I know it's not, but sometimes I forget myself...

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