One True Thing
in the ocean of noise

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not the passenger
and somewhere alfie smiles
I used to have a hamster tree
and the man with the golden gun
lily is dancing on the table
the room of the banished poet
but you're not here
I want to paint it black
if you can come to california
till human voices wake us
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'Round here she's slipping through my hands...
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melancholic joy? happy sorrow? lost...

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9 days till my birthday.

My weekend should be interesting. Stippers, alchohol, and other things...

Why is it that I'm finding it hard to be happy?

My dad's death anniversary is this weekend as well. I'm really not sure how I feel about that. I should be sad, but I'm really just empty about it.

Should I feel more? Should I try to care? Because my brother is pratically having histronics, and I don't know how to feel that way when he seems to make such a production of it. I want my grief to be a quiet thing, I don't want to be sharing it with a million freaking people. (Seems odd to write about it on the internet then, huh?)

Well, soon comes the writing project. I hate to abuse JS (sorry Kenny) but I'll be starting another journal very shortly...probably a word of mouth kind of thing. I'm not gonna publicize it, but I am thinking of starting a project...and LJ doesn't satisfy.

Now, to put a picture in my "bio".

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