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You know, sometimes I am so sick of work I just want to vomit. Dont get me wrong, my job is very easy. It is my boss that makes me want to run out in the middle of trafic at rush hour. He is a christian, which in and of it self is fine, but he is one of those religous people who try to shove it down your throat. He sits there and tells me things like "dinosaurs never existed" and "Aids was meant as a plague to rid the human race of homesexuals", and then wants me to accept jesus as my personal savior. Come on now. I mean really. He says this to me, who as a very logical person, and I just want to hit him. First of all, if dinosaurs never existed, how do you have gas for your car, or energy to heat your home? They dont call them "fossil" fules for nothing. And if aids was the plague sent to rid us of homosexuals, why is it that the highest infection rate is to heterosexual teenage girls? And all through the election this year I had to sit there and listen to his crap about george bush. that man is a moron. My left toe has more intellegence and charm than that idiot. But it is the religious stuff that bugs me more. He preachs and preaches but doesnt practice it. If you want someone to accept jesus and all that, you should just let them come to it in their own time and in their own way. I cannot tell you how sick I am of hearing I should be worried about my immortal soul. As far as I am concerned, I am doing fine. I believe there is something there. What? I have no idea. The way I see it, my only real duty in life when it comes to the powers that be is to treat others as I would treat myself or the people I love. To help whoever I can. I pray, and I try to lead a good life. I try to leave everything and everyone I touch the same or a little bit better and if that cant get you into heaven then I guess I belong in hell.

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