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I havent slept well in the past week, so the anger has given way to tiredness. And that is a good thing. It looks like I will be spending the weekend with bob. I hate being home 4th of july. It sounds like fun. We might go to detroit and hook up with a friend of his. Ill go anywhere at this point. For some reason I have been thinking a lot about travis latlely. Must be the anger thing. I mean how many people do you know that can date someone and not know it? I took me at least six months to figure it out and then I just let it go. It gives you a good picture of how stubborn someone can be. I told him right from the start we would only be friends. I mean he had a girlfriend, and he treated her like shit. Why in the hell would I date someone who would treat me like that? Things just happened. We spent so much time together and seemed to understand each other on a deep level. even then though I told him that we were just friends, and that I didnt think of him in that way. Then that time at meijer he tried to kiss me. I blew it off because I thought that I was wrong. I knew I wasnt his type physically so I thought everything was cool. God how wrong I was. It was probobly six months after that I knew I was in over my head. As usual on a weekend I was at his house watching movies and playing with his son. His girlfriend was in a bad mood and we were hyper. Me travis and his kid are chasing each other around the apartment tickling each other. His kid knocked me on the bed. Knocked travis on the bed too. I went after the kid and he said "get daddy! Get daddy!" So I did the same thing I had done to the kid. Kind of stradled him and tickled him. The look on travis's face stopped me cold. He thought it was me flirting with him. Not only that but you could tell that is what he wanted. Everything went downhill from there. Looking back I realize that he probobly thought I was being coy when I said those things to him. Sadly enough I stayed friends with him for a few months after the tickling thing. By then he was one of my best friends and I just didnt want it to end. The only think I am still upset about is that he didnt tell me why he ended our friendship. I knew, and several people told me as much, but he wouldnt tell me. I wanted to hear it from him. I just could not believe i had misjudged a situation that badly. I wish I had the intuition about my own affairs that I have about other peoples. my life wouldnt suck so bad if i did.

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