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Another long overdue email to amanda:

I know. once again it has taken forever for me to write. I just havent been up to it. First it was exaustion from the move. I moved and cleaned for three weeks. I felt dead most of the time. I started to feel better, so I went out with JOsh and BOb. I had a great time till they both told me they are moving. Josh to seattlle in december. I knew seattle, just not so soon. Bob to memphis tennesee. The family found out he was gay and it isnt going well. Ama doesnt care, but he is really catching hell from some of the uncles. That came as such a blow. Having to miss seeing you this summer, and then hearing they are leaving. I just got depressed. Our aunt mary (tia maria) died. She was my dads aunt, so my great aunt. My apa's sister. That was quite a blow. She was always so strong. We went to the funeral last week and they filled the grave while we were standing right there. It is what her kids wanted but my dad and I both tripped out and left. Hasnt been a good month. Anyway, you said your mom and dad came up. How did that go? And how is your brothers business going? I am glad to hear your dad is helping him. I cant wait to come and visit. It looks like it will be for new years again though. If you are going home for christmas, maybe we could do that thing where you pick me up. I have a doctors appointment this week, and it looks like I could find out if I need a hysterctomy or not. This way if I do, I will make the next visit I schedual. It is too far away, which blows. But maybe I can get away for a weekend or something. Oh yeah, and my mom has been sick for two weeks, going on three. She has some weird bacterial imbalance and it is causing her diariah to rival mine. She isnt sleeping, blah blah blah. All bad for the MS. I need some calgone.

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