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A former Marine's view of Briefing's impact
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A letter to the Editor in the Austin American-Statesman, Sunday, April 18, 2004 (link expires 4/24/04):

Although I read reports about the contents of the presidential daily briefing of Aug. 6, 2001, I did not experience the full impact through those articles. It was not until I heard the memo read on a radio news program that I could really sense that impact.

I listened from the perspective of a senior executive and a Marine in Vietnam.

My reaction was unequivocal:

I want a full report on the findings of those 70 investigations. I want that report in five days. I expect to be notified of any obstacles to progress on those investigations and the resources required for removing those obstacles. Mr. Tenet, I expect to see a full report on this topic from you, specifying the best thinking of your office on likely targets, timetables and interdiction opportunities. I want interim updates daily. Until we confirm or reject the seriousness of this information, it is our single greatest security threat. Ms. Rice, I want to talk to you and Mr. Clarke. Now.”


Johnson City

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