Witnessing the Meltdown

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13385 Curiosities served
July 2004
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08: German TV news report (and take a deep breath, folks): Children at Abu Ghraib (0 comments)
12: Asking pointed questions (0 comments)
12: Happenings @ Chez Boerner (0 comments)
12: On Covering Your Donkey (0 comments)
12: Caring for your Introvert (0 comments)
12: Scientists find fat cells complex, influential (0 comments)
14: Toll Roads in Central Texas - Ready or not, here they come (0 comments)
14: Austin Council Member Daryl Slusher on Toll Roads (0 comments)
14: Letter re: cost / mile for CTexas toll roads (0 comments)
15: The Senate isn't the only battle (0 comments)
16: Let's get ready for Floriduh 2004 (0 comments)
16: Red or Blue—Which Are You? (0 comments)
16: Utility Loses Track of Spent Nuclear Fuel (1 comments)
30: Response to an e-mail about taxes (0 comments)

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Who: Early 40-something Software Development professional; father of two young 'uns.

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