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Letter: Texas Republicans: the party of broken promises and Enron-style accounting?
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August 5, 2005

To the Editors,

Regarding Friday's article describing the Republican dominated legislature's continued practice of collecting fees earmarked for specific uses but not spending them to 'balance' the budget [1], my first thought was are they trying to be known as the party of broken promises and Enron-style accounting?

I also take issue with Sen. Ogden's comment that this is the only way to balance the budget. That is not true - other options exists but Republicans will not consider them having painted themselves into a corner as the "taxes bad; tax cuts good" party.

I do agree with his comment however that overhauling the tax system would allow the legislature to act with more integrity and end this practice. The question is does the Legislature have the integrity and fortitude to perform the needed overhaul?

Given the current impasse over school funding it appears not.

[1] State stashes away programs' cash, Jason Embry, Austin American-Statesman, August 5, 2005.

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