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Redeploying troops w/PTSD
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As someone dealing with my own 'issues' for the last 30+ years, I find this a monstrous way for our govt to treat our troops.


Still Suffering, But Redeployed

They have post-traumatic stress and other combat-related disorders. So what are they doing back in battle?


The Hartford Courant

Posted May 17 2006

Eight months ago, Staff Sgt. Bryce Syverson was damaged goods, so unsteady that doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center wouldn't let him wear socks or a belt.

Syverson, 27, had landed in the psychiatric unit at Walter Reed after a breakdown that doctors traced to his 15-month tour in Iraq as a gunner on a Bradley tank. He was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, and was put on a suicide watch and antidepressants, according to his family.

Today, Syverson is back in the combat zone, part of a quick-reaction force in Kuwait that could be summoned to Iraq at any time.

He got his deployment orders after being told he wasn't fit for duty.

He got his gun back after being told he was too unstable to carry a weapon.


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