Witnessing the Meltdown 13707 Curiosities served |
2010-05-03 8:42 AM Listening to my own drummer... Previous Entry :: Next Entry Read/Post Comments (0) When I was 4 or 5 one summer I was in a Mother's Day Out type program. As part of it my cohort was taught some sort of song and dance type thing which we were to present to parents one evening.
Part of this program involved some of us lined up at front of stage, put our right index finger in the very center of our heads and twirl. When this was explained to me my response was more or less "Yeaaahh. Riigghhtt." and so come the night of the presentation at that time in the program while all my peers did the twirly thing I stood there facing the audience. Years later my mom told me that she thought it was quite funny that I refused to participate. Little did I know then that foreshadowed a lifetime of similar responses when someone in authority would ask me and those around me to do something I thought was completely idiotic. :) Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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