Becoming Jewish One Girl's Journey Effervescence is a state of mind. It's about choosing to bring sunshine to the day. Every person I meet matters. If it's written down, I know it (If it's not written down, I don't know it) ![]() |
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2009-08-10 6:58 AM Returning Home Again Returning Home Again - Pennsic was an interesting experience. For those non-SCA readers, it's a big camping trip with over 10,000 people, all in "an attempt at medieval clothing" -- not quite as strict as a living history museum re-creation medieval village, and not a theatrical setup like a Renn Faire, but camping in Pennsylvania, and a week or two of activities.
Last year, our group had a meal plan with a kitchen coordinator. This year, there was nothing like that, so I was on my own for meals. There are food merchants, and they even have a good selection for vegetarians. I bought some groceries to keep in a cooler in our home camp, and I ate out in merchants just slightly more than half the time. Because I'd only just decided right before camping that I wasn't going to stress about finding kosher meats only, I chose to eat chicken or turkey for a few meals. But it was really hard to break the habit and mind-set that "when ordering out, eat vegetarian." The cashew chicken from the stir-fry place was nice, and the grilled chicken on a salad was nice, but I still felt more comfortable ordering a portabello wrap or the spinach-feta, rather than anything else. I did buy turkey slices for my camp food, and ate turkey and multi-grain protein bread for breakfast almost every morning. It's going to be hard to wean myself back on to occasional restaurant chicken or turkey. But for dinner last night, back at home, I did order my favorite turkey burger from the place across the street, and enjoyed every bite. The hives have changed consistently slightly -- they now completely resemble the itchy bumps I had on my hands as a small child. They no longer look unfamiliar, just annoying and itcy. I tried "gold bond" lotion, which helps a tiny bit, but it's also "cooling" so it's shocking to coat nearly your entire body at the same time (almost too cold). There's another recommended lotion in the mail at home, I'll have to pick up when it's working hours. [I'm currently still working on Eastern time.] I felt slightly alone at Pennsic, because there really weren't any other Jews I knew... although I saw a few people wearing kippot, and felt a kinship just across the campground with them. This weekend I fly to FL to be with an old college friend, possibly a romantic connection. We plan to go to his synagogue Friday night, and I'm looking forward to it very much. This September, frustratingly the weekend of SCA classes is scheduled against Rosh Hashanah, which means I'll miss the wood-carving class from Klaus that I really *REALLY* wanted to attend. Jeff's comment was a simple: "Welcome to being Jewish." Yeah, I see what he means. And I need to double-check: I think my Hebrew class might be starting again this week, which would be tomorrow night. More later, my dears. * * * * * Today's Blessing That I'm Thankful For: Ken, simply and straight-forward, I'm so thankful for him. Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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