Becoming Jewish One Girl's Journey Effervescence is a state of mind. It's about choosing to bring sunshine to the day. Every person I meet matters. If it's written down, I know it (If it's not written down, I don't know it) ![]() |
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2011-03-21 8:21 AM Purim Shpiel Purim Shpiel - Saturday night I made it back down to my synagogue for the first time in months and months (maybe a year) to see the Purim Shpiel. This time last year I was *performing* in the farce, and since then I've started dating my sweetie, taken up bellydancing, and moved out of town. I had skipped the High Holy days at my synagogue in fall last year for a number of reasons, and returning to services has continued to be a bit difficult for me to prioritize. But the director of last year's Shpiel had emailed me and specifically wanted to invite me this year. And in all honesty, returning during a time of celebration was an enticement.
I arrived in the middle of havdalah (the ceremony marking the end of Shabbat), so it was a little bit nice to just sneak in under the lowered lights, the candles, the singing. I do have to admit that I like the way we sing the Havdalah songs better with my SCA friends than my synagogue's method: the Rabbi uses more minor chords in several songs, where I'm used to a major chord version. But until I start working on guitar again, it's not like I'm going to be leading a different version for anyone. But, all that being said, it was nice to settle in for the play. This year's Purim Shpiel was a medley of Beach Boys songs, filked with lyrics to fit the Purim story. It was absolutely hilarious. I hooted and hollered and clapped and laughed all throughout the show. (I also managed to spin silk and twirl my loud grogger when cued, but I've always been into multi-tasking.) But the most gratifying experience of the weekend could be summed up in the single phrase I heard over and over again: We've missed you! And I truly have missed them too. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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