crochetlady's Journal Meanderings, Hopes, Writing and Growth Wife of 32 years, mother of 2, grandmother of 3, Government worker eligible to retire in 5 years, crocheter of 34 years; hopeful writer; people watcher; reader of much; lover of cats,dogs,horses and most four legged animals;and much more to learn about myself. |
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2009-09-14 6:27 AM Resolved I am so tired of being the bad guy. I have decided to ignore it. That is all I can do right now. I had a major migraine yesterday. Let me set this up for you. SO loves RPGs, but not online ones. I finally convinced him to get a new Playstation 2. (Not 3 the one he wanted is not available.) He has been playing a lot. That's ok, but the room he plays in (our dining room) is really part of our bedroom.
There was laundry and dishes to do yesterday. I am warning you that there may be TMI for some so scroll down to next paragraph. We were starting to have fun and I got to enthusiastic and when I reached up to pull him closer for a good kiss, I pulled his hair--OOPS, was not intentional, has never happened before. But that ended all. After him pouting a while, I started to pick up stuff and then the migraine started. I start with floaters in my right eye and within half an hour I am useless. I took the med I have and sat on the couch, with head laid back, tv low-I know doesn't make sense but I actually was half asleep when him came back up with completed laundry. He asked why I wasn't asleep. I was trying to stay up because I have to be at work today to get end of year stuff done. I sat on the couch, trying to crochet. He would get all upset if I moved to do anything. But dishes never did get done and clothes didn't get put away. He played his game and then when it came on, he ended up watching a little tv-redskins game till middle of second quarter then he turned it off. We watched the movie,"Contact" which he just bought in DVD format. After the movie he went back to his game. I thought things were better. My migraine went away. I played about 1/2 hour of solitaire then it was time for bed. he had gone to the bathroom, and said something I didn't hear clearly. When I asked him to repeat it, he wouldn't and made a snide comment. A few minutes later I asked him if he wanted me to get water for his meds-he ignored me-we were in the same room. I finally got the water and left it for him. But then a snide comment came out. I asked him why it was ok for him not to hear me and for me to repeat what I said, but not ok for me. No answer. Finally getting into bed when he comes up with "What side of me head do you want to pull my hair tonight?" I do not know if he was joking, but it wasn't a joke to me. Sorry, I know that I said I didn't want to use this place for these types of rants, but I need to put this someplace and this works fine time wise. Now, I am just planning on keeping my self busy at night. And ignore him. Well, maybe not ignore, but get things done that he has said he will do and then doesn't. today will be a busy day. Take care, and thanks for listening. I do love him, but I can get so angry somethimes. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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