crochetlady's Journal Meanderings, Hopes, Writing and Growth Wife of 32 years, mother of 2, grandmother of 3, Government worker eligible to retire in 5 years, crocheter of 34 years; hopeful writer; people watcher; reader of much; lover of cats,dogs,horses and most four legged animals;and much more to learn about myself. |
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2010-04-05 6:34 AM sleepless We had a plan to go to a movie Saturday. Didn't work out. Never heard my hubby get out of bed. He said I snored all sorts of interesting snores. I have doctors appointment on the 28th, guess I'll be setting up my sleep study then. We suspect sleep apnea, I have had the diagnosis before, but could not use the machine because the mask presses down on my sinuses and causes more headaches than the cure. I explained this to the doctor-neurologist. She wants a new study and said that the machines have changed. I am tired of sleeping the weekends away, but that is how I catch up on my sleep. It happened yesterday too. I would be crocheting and all of a suddent I would be asleep.
It was a beautiful weekend here. All the cherry blossoms are doing their thing. Hubby went out a couple of times. He bought me an orchard plant. I need to research care. It is beautiful. Hubby started taxes, since we are showing a loss on the house in IL, situation may not be as bad as he thought. We are renting for less than what mortgage and taxes and insurance cost and we had repair work this year. He had read half the instructions but not all the definitions so didn't think that we could claim the loss. We can. The loss offsets some of his income. He has changed his withholding. Well, time to get ready for another day. Talk to you later. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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