crochetlady's Journal Meanderings, Hopes, Writing and Growth Wife of 32 years, mother of 2, grandmother of 3, Government worker eligible to retire in 5 years, crocheter of 34 years; hopeful writer; people watcher; reader of much; lover of cats,dogs,horses and most four legged animals;and much more to learn about myself. |
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2010-11-16 8:17 AM drinking water How many of you dring 8 8ounce glasses of water a day? Plain water-not ice tea, not coffee, not soda, not flavored water-but plain, clear water? That is a lot of water!! I am trying to drink that before I have any other types of drink, except for the 8 ounces orange juice (calcium fortified) that I mix my fiber into each morning. Water logged!! But we will see if everything works!! I really hope so-I do hate being in pain!!
The scarf that I am working on for my sister is almost done-or rather over half way done. I am sort of pleased with it. It is being made with superwashed sock wool-2strands held together, in a bobble stitch-the pattern is in the most recent issue of Crochet World. I hope she likes it. Sunday we went to the Pentagon City Mall again, and walked quite a bit of it. Foot sore when we got home, but walking is the best thing that I can do right now. (Yes there was shopping involved-got some beautiful sweaters-winter is coming and 2 more pants. Definately into 22/24s all the way around-I have gone down over 5 sizes in the past 7 months) Even managed to find DH hat that he needs to cover ears and cheeks-he get real cold in wheel chair & he got gloves at Macy's-finally good gloves that may really help him. As long as he doesn't loose them!! We both go scarfs-feel like wool but they aren't-they feel gorgeous! Last night he ordered our new cell phones-we should get them soon and they will have web access. I cannot remember the name-but they are new and are 4G compatable-they are new to market but with our upgrade savings it was worth it. For once I am getting a "top line" phone instead of being behind the curve. A little higher monthly expense, but it means we don't order out-which is better for me.(us) Talk to you later. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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