crochetlady's Journal Meanderings, Hopes, Writing and Growth Wife of 32 years, mother of 2, grandmother of 3, Government worker eligible to retire in 5 years, crocheter of 34 years; hopeful writer; people watcher; reader of much; lover of cats,dogs,horses and most four legged animals;and much more to learn about myself. |
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Mood: OUCH Read/Post Comments (1) |
2011-10-07 1:52 PM OOPs! Well, this was my fault! And I did apologize.
I have wanted to join an organization for years-it is through work and it is for veterans. They reach out to vets and to active duty. I have talked to DH about it several times. Well, today we are eating lunch outside,(it is gorgeous!) and one of the real active members that is in my division comes up and asks us if we were both military. He knows I was. And DH says yes that he was too. Coworkes asks when we were going to join? Gives info about dues-$40/year each-not bad, includes local and national dues. They are not political based and dues pays for shipping care packages and things like that. I committed both of us to joing. OOPS!! After coworker walked away, DH lambasted me. Wouldn't really accept apology and said that is what I was doing now. And that he didn't have a choice but to accept what I had laid down on Monday. And didn't like it when I said I had to get back to work. I apologized and said that I would uncommit him. And only commit myself. (which I did). Coworker said his wife doesn't like him being involved in things like this either but it is something he holds fast too. OH, I am not taking this due out of my funds-it is coming out of household funds. But the capper to it all is when DH said that I was holding him hostage, that if he didn't agree to my 'demands' I would leave the relationship, that left him no choice. Well, he does have a choice. I told him-"You agreed before I ever said that. So don't give me that line." I also said that I am just taking what I had 30 years ago back. AND I DO NEED TO WATCH MAKING COMMITMENTS ON HIS BEHALF WITHOUT TALKING TO HIM FIRST!!!! MY BAD THERE. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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