crochetlady's Journal Meanderings, Hopes, Writing and Growth Wife of 32 years, mother of 2, grandmother of 3, Government worker eligible to retire in 5 years, crocheter of 34 years; hopeful writer; people watcher; reader of much; lover of cats,dogs,horses and most four legged animals;and much more to learn about myself. |
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2011-11-22 8:19 AM UH, What did you say? This morning I woke up in pain. Had to really argue with myself to make it in. While I was convincing myself to make it in, B saw me sitting on the bed. My clothes were on the bed ready for me to get dressed. He starts in with how I am going to miss today, then I am going to miss next week and not get paid for it. And he adds that it is my fault that his credit rating is dropping because he hasn't paid his medical bills. UH? At that I answered, NO, you put off paying the bills yourself. It has only been the past 2 pay periods that pay is going to be short, 6 pay periods before that funds were normal, and you got award money that you didn't pay the bills with. Then I heard, "I used the money to buy stuff for her!" I kept my mouth shut. I didn't ask him to buy anything for me. He made the choice based on his knowledge of the budget and bills and now he is blaming me? I think that we are going to have a discussion about this. And by the way, IF I had called out, I would have gotten paid. I was working my way to NOT calling out. But he went to the extreme.
By the time we left the house, he was lovey dovey and all was well, but I am still upset. I will talk to him tonight. I know he is worried about finances because of the pay I lost, however, over reacting doesn't do me anygood-and does make my situation worse. As you can tell, I did make it in. I actually started my work at 6:30. 2 emails-request for timesheets-early in week because of holiday, and finally the telephone list is complete. And the CFC booklets and forms started distributing them. Also photocopied travel documents and faxed them for Boss. And it is only 8:45. Hey, when I am on a roll, I really get rolling. Stomach still hurts though. Yuck. Oh well, only 2 real work days left after today. Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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