crochetlady's Journal Meanderings, Hopes, Writing and Growth Wife of 32 years, mother of 2, grandmother of 3, Government worker eligible to retire in 5 years, crocheter of 34 years; hopeful writer; people watcher; reader of much; lover of cats,dogs,horses and most four legged animals;and much more to learn about myself. |
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2012-07-13 6:43 AM what a difference a day makes I am feeling a whole lot better. Still traces of depression, but now where near where it was. And it is Friday the 13th. Always a good day for me.
For BEX-yes, we have AC where we are now. Can't live without it. Don't miss regular tv too much right now, though I expect once we get back to our regualar apartment, that will change!! B and I are watching 2 movies a night average. Last night we watched " A Chorus Line" with a young Michael Douglas. And then "Blazing Saddles". The first we had not seen before. It was good. The second, we have watched many times, still good for a laugh! Years ago DD has asked me to make her a quilt like B's grandmere made her. (and it wore out). It was a tied quilt and made with a mish mash of materials, Polyesters and cottons, squares sewn together and simply backed. Then tied together with yarn. She made one for both of my kids and one for us. They wore out years ago, but we loved them. Well, I have some clothes that I will be cutting up. I will make sure that the material type matches so washing them won't be a problem. And I will buy the rest. B said a new sewing machine is in order. And he will help. And, for each of them, DD, DS, DGD, I will include a picture of Grandmere, Granpere and the story of their wedding as she wrote it to me many years ago and a picture of DD and DS with her. The project will be begun this weekend. I have 5 months to get them done. The quilt tying process takes no time-I have done it before and it is fun! The putting together of the squares, the batting-I will be using a blanket, and the backing, is the hard part! And most of all, I KNOW my daughter will truly appreciate this in a way she wouldn't appreciate any crocheted afghan. So will my son!! Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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