Cussedness Godwar Central Station LEVEL 20 ARCH-CURMUDGEON ALL HATE MAIL WILL BE POSTEDI am an out of the closet, bi-sexual gender queer and have long believed that the personal is political. Perhaps that is simply a bit of 1960s idealism that most people have outgrown; but it remains near and dear to me. I am the best-selling dark fantasy ebook author of the Dark Brothers of the Light series. I made my first short story sale at 23. it appeared in Amazons! which took the World Fantasy Award for best anthology in 1980February 2004: In The Darkness Hunting: Tales of Chimquar the Lionhawk (wildside press) Dark Brothers of the Light Series. Renaissance Ebooks. |
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2004-10-25 7:36 PM Nicky is a bit upset NICKY SAYS:
4:16 am - Publishing: What my Philosophy is... I read around some of the message boards from time to time and the bullshit saying being, "Money flows to the writer," they can kiss my ass about that one and one of the reasons I self-publish is because want it done on my terms. Not the terms of another person dictating when I will be published, self-publishing is one way of saying fuck you to that especially if a certain style of horror or writing isn't exactly welcomed in one way or another. Or if one has that story that is too controversial to publish by a traditional publisher they will put it out themselves. ********************* CUSSEDNESS SAYS: No, piggy little man, the only thing controversial about you is the fact that you are an inconsiderate lout. You are a talentless hack with his cock up his ass. No one is "dictating" anything to you, they're just not willing to put you into print because you have no skills. Maybe you should learn to fry eggs. Now, watch my lips and let me make this perfectly clear: Money flows to the writer Money flows to the writer Money flows to the writer ********************************************** NICKY SAYS: I am trying to figure out how to do the promotion, sometimes I will let the ones who hate my guts do the promoting for me namely when they want to do a voodoo doll of me to use on dart boards -- it shows I've gotten to them. ****************************************************** CUSSEDNESS SAYS: No, Nicky, you haven't gotten to me. You've just made an ass of yourself again. The dolls are an endless source of pleasure and joy to others. *************************************************** NICKY SAYS: I show that their hypocrisy is there because one of their publishers works with a place I published Collectives In A Foresaken Landscape at. ******************************************* CUSSEDNESS SAYS: You are so stupid. You keep insisting that Wildside goes through Booksurge, and I keep pointing out that they go directly through LightningSource. Stupid, bad little weiner boy. Can't even get his facts straight. *************************************************** NICKY SAYS: If a publisher won't take a reprint -- fuck'em; I have no choice but send stories as a reprint because I don't want to endanger my disablity status. If I make a little pocket money here and there, fine but I want to do this on my own terms. *************************************************** CUSSEDNESS SAYS: You are so afraid of being successful because then you wouldn't get your freebie allotment each month? That doesn't make sense, you guttersnipe incompetent whore. You don't deserve to be on disability. There is nothing physically wrong with you and you use your alledged disability which is only mouth deep as an excuse to defraud the American taxpayers. As a disabled person I say that you dishonor all the truly disabled in this nation and give the rest of us a bad name. Quit using the disabled rant as an excuse. ************************************************** NICKY SAYS: Right now I am that long, black-haired equal to a red-headed stepchild when it comes to the mainstream horror industry. **************************************************** CUSSEDNESS SAYS: That's a direct reference to the livejournal of Karen E. Taylor. No you are not her equal and never will be. Your use of language is sloppy, you change tenses in mid sentence, half the time you don't even know the proper meaning of the words you use. You are at best semi-literate and at worst totally illiterate. karen writes rings around you. ********************************************************* NICKY SAYS: I never came online to be a nice guy, pushing buttons is something I've became known to do and that is something I did a lot of when I started writing horror full time. I learned the fine art of being an atagonist from hanging around The Trenchcoat, and that is what drawn me to the website The House of Pain knowing a horror site like that was designed to push a few buttons. ******************************************************* CUSSEDNESS SAYS: Writing horror has nothing to do with whether or not one is a decent human being. At least you admit that you came on looking to hurt people. And, Nicky, you have an excellent example of your illiteracy here. The proper word is become, not became. Proper tense. ******************************************************* NICKY SAYS: Exposure is more of value than money is if one is already published and seen a little bit of sucess online. *************************************************** CUSSEDNESS SAYS: That sentence is total gibberish, however I might figure it out one day. *********************************************************** NICKY SAYS: Conservatism does have its place in the horror genre. I wanted to bring back the conseravtism that Lovecraft brought to the table. He got accused of being a racist, some accused me of being a Neo-Nazi but I am not one of those. Just that I have a strong sense of morals... ****************************************************** CUSSEDNESS SAYS: Conservatism is not what you are about. You are a Nazi with a skinhead mentality. You are also rascist. As for morals, anyone who would wish harm on someone's child has no morals ***************************************************** NICKY SAYS: I want to be more than a writer when it comes to a project like this, and talking with William J. Wright, he saw this too because when I did TABLOID PURPOSES that was my sitting in the editor's chair. I might of alienated a few authors in the industry with the project but that was my way of saying, "so what if I offend a few people. The writers in the project have some work that is bound to offend someone in some way or form." ************************************************ CUSSEDNESS SAYS: The only thing offensive about Tabloid Purposes was the poor quality of the stories, the lack of editing, and the tacky cover. Have a good day. Some brief creds, a partial list articles published in: Movieline Cinefantastique Washington Post Book World Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Drive Guide Black Belt Martial Arts Weapons Monsterland Thrust: Science Fiction in Review Science Fiction Review Former MPAA Accredited Journalist. Currently Active member, SFWA, HWA Read/Post Comments (12) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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