Cussedness Godwar Central Station LEVEL 20 ARCH-CURMUDGEON ALL HATE MAIL WILL BE POSTEDI am an out of the closet, bi-sexual gender queer and have long believed that the personal is political. Perhaps that is simply a bit of 1960s idealism that most people have outgrown; but it remains near and dear to me. I am the best-selling dark fantasy ebook author of the Dark Brothers of the Light series. I made my first short story sale at 23. it appeared in Amazons! which took the World Fantasy Award for best anthology in 1980February 2004: In The Darkness Hunting: Tales of Chimquar the Lionhawk (wildside press) Dark Brothers of the Light Series. Renaissance Ebooks. |
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Mood: Excited Read/Post Comments (41) |
2004-11-13 7:45 AM PIckle-dick mouths again Here is what he had to say:
In Reply to: BRING IT ON!!! posted by Cussedness on November 12, 2004 at 21:42:56: I hear that K-Mart is hiring because you've not sold a single noteworthy story seen in a major print in twenty years. Besides, you took a crap on two of my anthology mates when they did nothing to you so that is why I issued the bet -- I make a sale in a few anthologies that are traditional horror, your career is over or better yet -- TABLOID PURPOSES makes a few strong sales, and get in the hands of someone that is high profile. You see that review that is in my favor of Tabloid Purposes, you will end your career. What have those writers done to you that you have to tear them apart as well, their stories are good but they are not queer friendly -- that is what boils down to. **************************** Why should I go to K-Mart when I already draw disability for a better reason that you do? Nitwit! Twenty years? Oh come on now, even you can count better than that, 1995 isn''t long enough ago to be called twenty years, I assure you. "Visiting the Neighbors," I, Vampire, edited by Jean Stine and Forrest Ackerman. HC, Longmeadow. And what about Wildside's publication of my collection? Two new stories are in there. That came out in February of this year and I've gotten some great reviews. Reviews that I didn't have to write myself. There isn't any bet yet, you still have not named terms. And how is that review supposed to end my career? You still haven't said anything at all that makes sense. Baby boy, a person doesn't have to be queer friendly to read something I will read. I don't judge a book by its author, although it is interesting when the foulness of the author matches the foulness and incompetency of the execution of the work. So name terms, asshat. I'm still waiting. Vote for my journal Other spots to find me: Some brief creds, a partial list articles published in: Movieline *** Cinefantastique *** Washington Post Book World *** Los Angeles Times *** Los Angeles Drive Guide *** Black Belt *** Martial Arts Weapons *** Monsterland *** Thrust: Science Fiction in Review *** Science Fiction Review Former MPAA Accredited Journalist. Currently Active member, SFWA, HWA Read/Post Comments (41) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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