Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2002-12-18 11:36 PM Submitting What happened to yesterday’s entry? I suppose I was just too busy to write it. I got up early with Ken and got stuff done before my chiro appt, which is a rare and good thing. I went through the various stories that had piled up recently, and figured out where to send them, and also made a list of the stories that have been out since March/April/May so I could do follow-ups. Which I did after I got home. I also went grocery shopping in the afternoon, so we have food for the week, yay. I edited two articles, did some other Sage work, watched “Charmed”, and exercised for the first time in, um, forever. Made honey-lime scallops, brown rice, and steamed asparagus for dinner.
Ken and I watched “Buffy”; the first new episode in a month or so. I was still finishing up dinner so I missed bits here and there. It was a good episode, but not a great one. More of a “move from point A to point B” ep than one with anything major happening. Also, I’m working through some mental stuff, and when I’m doing that, it’s hard to put pieces of it down. There are a number of things that are—stressing is too strong a word—worrying me. Nothing major, so don’t worry. All are things that will get handled one way or another. I confess I’m hesitant to start talking about them here because I don’t want a flurry of concerned e-mails. One thing is the outbuilding roof, which will get fixed soon, so I shouldn’t really be worrying, see? It poured buckets and buckets of rain yesterday—I mean it was slamming down—and only a few drops leaked through that didn’t fall in the containers we have underneath the leaky spots. Unfortunately, I couldn’t enjoy the rain because I was concerned about the roof. Argh! I’ve also got a couple of pretty big decisions to make. I have a feeling I know what to do in both cases, but I’m waffling. They’re not easy decisions. In neither case will either choice make things right or perfect. There’s sacrifice in either direction. Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s best for oneself. Hard to choose between “should” and “want”, or even “should” and “could”. Argh again! Well, it’s been a busy, productive day so far. A bunch of copy editing, and now I’m in the midst of prepping stories to mail. For some reason, four out of five are going to places that don’t take e-mail subs—an unusual percentage. But, I’m going to get a reward for all this hard work: We’re going to see “The Two Towers” tonight! Yay! Oh. My. God. The movie was incredible. Then we came home and watched two episodes of VH-1’s specials on the 1980s, and Ken made cheeseburgers for supper. Alas, I got no writing done—but I did work on story submissions, so I’m going to count that for today. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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