Enchantments Musings About Writing and Stories About Life She's like the girl in the movie when the Spitfire falls Like the girl in the picture that he couldn't afford She's like the girl with the smile in the hospital ward Like the girl in the novel in the wind on the moors
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2003-04-20 11:59 PM Happy Eostre's Day! ALNM: 213
Except for the waking up part, today was a pretty good day (and it’s not even over yet!). I had trouble getting to sleep last night, then woke up early and had trouble falling back asleep. Bleah. First we had a GWW meeting, which was focussed on Publicity, and I’m the head of the Publicity Committee (or, as the Event Stewards say, I am The Voice of the War. I like that. Not as cool as being Controller of Destiny, but still cool. I have The Power!), so I had a lot of stuff to talk about. One person praised me for how much I’ve done, which was a happy warm fuzzy. This week I get to send announcements to all other Kingdom newsletters, and then that job will be done. Always nice to cross something off a list. We hung around because folks were talking about going out to lunch, but the final meeting stuff was dragging, so we came home, grabbed food, checked e-mail, and then headed back out to Ken’s mom’s house. She made Easter dinner for us and Dennis: ham, sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, peas, salad (with baby spinach, which I actually liked!), and strawberry shortcake. I contributed devilled eggs. See, the GWW meeting started with an Easter egg and candy hunt; there was stuff strewn all over the house and yard. We ended up with seven eggs, so the result was obvious. I also contributed “Night of the Lepus”, a must-see movie on Easter. It’s about giant killer bunnies. No, really, it is. It’s so awful it’s wonderful. Mom snipped some ivy for me, a different kind than I already have, so I’m rooting that now. When some of her baby spider plants get bigger, she’s going to pass some on to me. We came home and I watched “Charmed” and wove. Then I found all the fabric and trim for an upcoming project (which I can’t talk about here, knowing who reads this. Ha ha!). And we’ve been doing computer work and planning our week and so forth. Looks like we’re postponing the Bay Area trip until the week after. I’ve been feeling very girly lately. I want to wear flowing skirts and jewelry, and I just put on nail polish (which I can’t always wear because of events). I showered today and put my hair in two plaits because we rode the bike everywhere, and now I have these soft waves that look very hippiesh. I wonder if I’m in the most fertile phase of my cycle? If I could be bothered to do the math, I might find out. I went back out and worked on bloomers yesterday. One pair are done except for some lace around the edges. Yes, that’s me, a mass of contradictions. I wanted bloomers because wearing bike shorts under garb felt too modern for me now that I’m striving to wear more period fabrics. But lace is out-of-period. But it’s _pretty_. We found some striped white-on-white fabric and Ken said, “Oh, you could use this! No, that’s too Victorian.” To which I replied, “Already thought of that. I think I need some Victorian bloomers, too.” (Note: I do realise that for earlier time periods, this garment is more correctly referred to as “drawers”. However, that sounds strange to say aloud, and “bloomers” is more evocative, hence my conscious choice of words.) Last night we went to Bruce & Chris’s, and ate lamb with spinach, and watched “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, which we’d not yet seen. I’ve tried to read the book twice and kept putting it down in the same spot, after a bad plot device irked me. The bottom line is, I like the movies better than the books. Although I may have book 3 around here somewhere, and may give it a shot when I need something light to read. Kenneth Branagh did a brilliant job as Gilderoy Lockhart, but I still think Hugh Grant could have nailed the part. And I’m sorry, but Lucius Malfoy was a LOTR Elf and I should _not_ have been so utterly attracted to him! Oh, and Happy Eostre’s Day! An embarassingly small amount of writing tonight; it was hard to get back into the scene I’d started. But I’m glad I did it—that’s the important thing. Meanwhile, I pulled up the beginning of a story I started last year, in the hopes of finishing it for an upcoming antho, and I think I can. I wrote it as a flash piece and it was okay, but not great. Then I had another angle on it, which I think will be fun to explore. And that’s it for tonight, pets. Rest well for a fun week ahead! Read/Post Comments (6) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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